Sunday, December 6, 2009

Standard Dimensions For Kitchen Dining Table

dr. Pork's (Puglia)

Front pouch / Oil on paper

Retro envelope / photography and pen

Treatment Film Template

Nicholas Donato (Tuscany)

Photo Montage with
intervention and tempera

What Bleach To Use For Upper Li[

Cinzia Bruzzese (Liguria)

Collage and mixed media

Do You Poop More In Early Pregnancy

Marina Salmaso (Denmark)

Postcard printed
with operations in pastels and ink

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Tie A Shag Band

Cecilia Bossi (Lazio)

Il gatto che si morde la coda... (Tecnica mista)

E' la fine... (Tecnica mista)
RossoNero -retro- (Tecnica mista)
RossoNero -fronte- (Tecnica mista)
Ohhhhhhhhhhh... (Tecnica mista)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How To Change The Oil In A Seagull

Anna Boschi (Emilia - Romagna)

tecnica mista

Friday, November 6, 2009

Southpark French Streaming

Fulgor C. Silvi (Marche)

Fotografia con interventi

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How Much Fabric Meter Required Tomake A Jacket

Cassaglia Bruno (California)

"Portrait of an Italian"
ink on canvas (60x80 cm. approx.)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Join Online Wrestling Fed

Antonio Amato (Campania)

Collage + written markers on cardboard

Defrosting Sausages In Microwave

Fulgor C. Silvi (Marche)

Photography with intervention in tempera
envelope and stamps marker

How Much For Drivergrabber

Massimo Rognini (Tuscany)


Monday, October 26, 2009

Does Fry's Have A Layaway Program

Mirta Caccaro (Veneto)


Has Anyone Use The Tria On Their Face?

Sinestetico Group (Veneto)

Xeroxgrafia + stamps

Left Testicle Hurts After Hernia Surgery

Tiziana Baracchi (Veneto)

Mixed media on paper

Storing Paint In Shed

Salvatore Starace (Campania)

Mixed media / collage on cardboard

Where In St Louis Cani Get A Brazilian

Antonio Amato (Campania)

pen and colored papers

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heartgold English Rom

Mauro Chisels (Tuscany)

Technique Mixed media on cardboard

Free Templates Dora The Explorer Backpack

Andrea Sozzi ( Tuscany)

"Only the insane kind
and misfits can hope to save the wave of vulgarity which floods the

Federico Fellini