Monday, March 3, 2008

How Long Is The Wait For Drivers Licence?


In order to properly prepare tax returns and 2007 SINGLE MOD. 730, the 2007 study considered necessary to expose you a list of data and documents useful for the preparation.
  • data and documentation must be received by 30.04.2008, sending:
    insured mail or registered mail to: Dr Patrizia Rossi

    Street Arts and Crafts, 68
    35040 - Urbana (PD)
    - by fax: 0429-878038;
    - in formato elettronico all'indirizzo e-mail:


Comunicare variazioni di residenza avvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare modifica stato civileavvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare nascita di figli nonché i dati anagrafici relativi avvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare dati anagrafici coniuge anche se non fiscalmente a carico.


E' necessario comunicare se il coniuge e familiari sono a carico, e per i figli in quale percentuale;
Attenzione ! La deduzione non spetta se nel corso dell’anno 2007, il coniuge o i familiari , hanno percepito un reddito superiore a € 2.840,51 al lordo degli oneri deducibili ciascuno.


VISURA CATASTALE AGGIORNATA dei fabbricati e dei terreni posseduti;
Comunicare eventuali compravendite avendo cura di fornirci copia dell’atto notarile;
Comunicare variazioni nell’utilizzo dell’immobile (es. immobile prima utilizzato come residenza secondaria then leased, rented property first and then empty for the year, etc.).
Bring a copy of the contract rent for the property leased.


Communicate the intention to make the choice of eight per thousand in IRPEF:
- religious or charitable purposes as a direct management of the Catholic Church;
- interventions to social, welfare, humanitarian and cultural in Italy and abroad by the Italian Union of Christian Churches Adventist Day 7;
- social and humanitarian interventions also in favor of Third World countries by the Assemblies of God in Italy;
- for the purpose of social, charitable, humanitarian or cultural direct management of the Waldensian Church, the Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches;
- interventions social, charitable, humanitarian and Culture in Italy and abroad, directly from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy and across communities associated therewith;
- the protection of religious interests of Jews in Italy to direct management of the Union of Jewish Communities.
If nothing will be informed in this regard will not be made any choice.
Warning: please note that if no choice is not made, however, per convenzione con lo Stato del Vaticano, una parte sarà comunque destinata alla chiesa.
Nel caso in cui non si desideri questo è opportuno scegliere che la destinazione vada allo Stato.

Comunicare l’intenzione di effettuare la scelta del cinque per mille dell'IRPEF a:
a) sostegno dei sottoelencati Enti, con possibilità di indicare il Codice Fiscale dell’associazione:
• organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale di cui all’articolo 10 del decreto legislativo 4 dicembre 1997, n. 460 e successive
• associazioni di promozione sociale iscritte nei registri nazionali, regionali e provinciali, previsti dall’articolo 7, commi 1, 2,
3 e 4, della legge 7 dicembre 2000, n. 383;
• associazioni riconosciute che senza scopo di lucro operano in via esclusiva o prevalente nei settori di cui all’articolo 10, comma
1, lett.a), del decreto legislativo 4 dicembre 1997, n. 460;
• associazioni sportive dilettantistiche in possesso del riconoscimento ai fini sportivi rilasciato dal CONI a norma di legge.
b) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca scientifica e dell’università.
c) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca sanitaria.


Copie dei versamenti effettuati a titolo d’acconto delle imposte per il 2007 (Mod. F24);
Certificati relativi alle ritenute d’acconto subite anche per prestazioni occasionali.


Le imprese interessate dovranno comunicare e/o presentare i prospetti relativi alle rimanenze di magazzino al 31/12/2007.


Modelli CUD di lavoro dipendente , assimilato e di pensione;
Redditi di partecipazione in società di persone non gestite dallo scrivente Studio;
Dividendi e utili percepiti per azioni o quote sociali di S.r.l.; Reporting
supplies SRL shares or equity interests;
Refunds ILOR, Social Security and medical costs reimbursed by the mutual aid societies (CAMPA, EMEC);
Performance occasional self-employment;
allowances received by the spouse as a result of legal separation, copy saddle sentence;
rental fees amount received in 2007.

  • deductible or deductible

medical expenses paid in 2007 (Tax receipts, invoices and "talking tickets");
expenses incurred in 2007 for the physically handicapped (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts) ;
veterinary expenses for pets lawfully detained (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts);
Interest expense on loans burdened by mortgage on property used as main house and not (Certification of interests, copy of the purchase of the property and copy of the stipulation of mortgage);
Insurance premiums on life or accident insurance for contracts signed or renewed by 31.12.2000, the risk premiums of insurance against death or permanent disability of more than 5% for contracts entered into or renewed from 1 .1.2001 (receipt of payment);
funeral expenses incurred in 2007 for family members (Bills);
costs of secondary education, university and specialist supported in 2007 (mail bulletins and / or transfers);
compulsory social security contributions paid in 2007, including the portion retained on the NHS RC cars;
Sums paid to supplementary pension schemes and individual;
contributions paid by the employer paid into the 2007 for "maid" (Bulletins postal INAIL);
syndicated mandatory contributions paid in 2007 (Ex. Bulletins postal reclamation);
dispensing money to (Receipts, bolletitni postal or bank transfers):
- religious institutions
- political parties;
-cultural and artistic activities (eg. La Biennale di Venezia);
- schools;
- Amateur sports associations;
Cost of renovating old buildings or cash paid in 2007;
Membership fees, paid through banks or through the postal service, not only for themselves and for family members, the mutual aid societies;
allowances paid the spouse as a result of legal separation, a copy of the sentence and payment of claims;
fees paid for each child to attend kindergarten;
Copy lease for the main house, signed in accordance with the conventional regime established by L. 431/98 ("contractual arrangements") for the nominee;
expenses incurred in 2007 for the purchase of a new personal computers by teachers public schools (receipt or invoice);
reps personal expenses incurred in 2007;
charges for replacement of refrigerators, freezers and their combinations (sales slip, talking on their identification data, date
purchase and not less than the energy class A + appliance, and establish a self
indicating the type of the unit replaced (fridge, freezer, etc. ..), the methods used for the disposal of the subject and an indication that
has done the removal and disposal of the appliance);
expenses incurred in 2007 for sports practiced by children aged between 5 and 18 years (Bulletin of the postal receipt, invoice or bank transfer);
expenses incurred in 2007 for rents paid by students off-site (at least 100 km away from the municipality of residence) ( Copy lease and transfer of fees received or paid);
expenses and purchase digital television sets with integrated digital tuner. is published on the website the updated list of such equipment. To take advantage of the deduction the taxpayer must be in order for the year 2007 with the payment of the fee RAI. (Invoice, receipt and copy of the payment of the fee RAI 2007);
expenditure incurred during 2007 per interventi finalizzati al risparmio energetico degli edifici esistenti, di qualsiasi categoria catastale anche rurale. Le tipologie di interventi previste sono:
– riqualificazione energetica di edifici esistenti;
– interventi sull’involucro di edifici esistenti;
– installazione di pannelli solari;
– sostituzione di impianti di climatizzazione invernale;
Altro non precedentemente specificato che sarà eventualmente verificato;

Se è la prima volta che lo scrivente studio vi elaborala la dichiarazione dei redditi, inviate copia della dichiarazione dell'anno precedente (Mod. 730/2007 o mod. Unico 2007).

Restiamo a disposizione information requests.


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