Monday, July 28, 2008

Strabismus Eyespecialist In Chicago


With the supplementary pension system, through membership in a pension fund or retirement to sign a bill, you have the opportunity to ensure the integration of the attainment of normal retirement 'retirement age. The aim is to ensure the maintenance of adequate standard of living after retirement, receiving a pension additional to that granted by the Institutes of compulsory insurance (INPS).
must be taken seriously by young people, who are the most adversely affected by pension reforms in recent years.


First is important to note that pension funds are authorized and supervised by a public authority, namely the Pension Funds Supervision Commission ( COVIP ).
Depending on how incorporating it, the complementary pension schemes are divided into collective and individual . In the early accession is bargained collectively and concerns a group of workers identified as being of one particular company, group of companies, industry or manufacturing sector. The individual forms, however, membership is on an individual basis, regardless of the type of activity performed and the exercise or not to work.
The law provides for two types of pension funds:
1. closed pension funds (or negotiating)
arise from contracts or collective agreements also identify the area of \u200b\u200bcorporate recipients, ie the workers to which the fund is targeted on the basis of a particular industry, company or group of companies or to a particular territory. They are therefore intended to: employees, both public and private, self-employed and professionals.
2. open pension funds
are those established directly by:
società di intermediazione mobiliare ( SIM );
compagnie di assicurazione;
società di gestione del risparmio.
Sono destinati a: lavoratori dipendenti, sia pubblici che privati; lavoratori autonomi e professionisti; persone che non hanno reddito da lavoro.


Possono aderire alle forme pensionistiche complementari:
i lavoratori dipendenti, sia del settore privato che del settore pubblico;
i lavoratori assunti in base alle tipologie contrattuali previste dalla "Legge Biagi ", vale a dire, contratto di lavoro in somministrazione, intermittente, sharing, part-time training, placement, project, occasional
self-employed workers (including owners of business income) and the liberal professions;
members of workers' co-operatives work
people who work unpaid care from family responsibilities and those who carry out, without an employment, unpaid work in relation to family responsibilities and who do not provide self-employment or employed by a third party and not the pensioners live.
also be open to complementary pension schemes of individual nature persons other than those listed above, as, For example, those who have no income from employment or those who are fiscally dependent on the other.
order for the tax-dependent person can actually join a pension fund nature negotiation is necessary that this right is expressly provided for in the statutes of the pension fund.


Contributions to supplementary pension schemes are deductible from the income declared for income tax for an amount not exceeding € 5,164.57.
The deduction is allowed regardless of the payer or the kind of income he produced and whether they These contributions are voluntary contributions due under contracts or collective agreements, even corporate.
The facilitation results in a saving in terms of lower taxes paid equal to the tax rate applied to the higher income of the worker.
EXAMPLE: If a worker to pay supplementary pension contributions amounted to € 1000.00 and is taxed at the rate of 23%, the cost actually incurred by the worker is equal to € 770.00, and 230.00 € return in the form of tax savings.
For the purposes of calculating the limit of € 5,164.57 must be taken into account all the payments that flow to pension schemes, collective and individual. Should consider, therefore:
banked allowances from the employer for severance pay funds for and employee pension funds established under Article 2117 of the Civil Code;
contributions to tax-dependent family members.
The part of the charges (including dependents) in pension funds for which the taxpayer could not qualify for the deduction, are not taxed at the time of award of the benefit.
The taxpayer is not obliged to communicate to the supplemental pension amount is deducted (or will not be deducted) in the tax return.
This must be done within 31 December of the year following that in which the payment was made or, if the right to benefits accrued before that date, on the day of maturity.

  • The facilities for their first job

Increased deduction provision was made for workers with first employment after 1 January 2007, that is, for those employees at that date were not Holders of a tax position is open at any institution of mandatory retirement. The advantage is that the maximum annual total of deductible (from 6 th year following the year of enrollment, and for a maximum of 20 years) for these workers rises to € 7,746.86.

  • contributions to dependent family members

The tax break it even when you make contributions in the interests of dependent family members.
In this case, however, the deduction in favor of the taxpayer in respect of which that person is charged for the amount it is not raised by the people themselves, without altering the total amount of 5,164.57 €.
Please note that a family is considered tax paid when it has a total income not exceeding € 2,840.51, al lordo degli oneri deducibili sostenuti.


Per far fronte alla perdita di disponibilità del TFR , in favore del datore di lavoro sono previste delle misure compensative che si traducono nella deducibilità , dal reddito d’impresa, di un importo pari al 4 per cento dell’ammontare di TFR annualmente destinato a forme pensionistiche complementari. Per le imprese con meno di 50 addetti la percentuale è elevata al 6 per cento.


I rendimenti, vale a dire gli incrementi positivi conseguiti a seguito della gestione finanziaria delle risorse, sono soggetti ad imposta sostitutiva delle imposte sui redditi.
L'aliquota dell'imposta sostitutiva è del 11% nel caso di:
fondi pensione in regime di contribuzione definita, ossia quelli gestiti in base alla capitalizzazione;
fondi pensione in regime di prestazioni definite, ossia quei fondi che non gestiscono direttamente i contributi versati dai lavoratori, ma stipulano delle convenzioni con imprese di assicurazione che garantiscono l'erogazione delle prestazioni pensionistiche;
"vecchi" fondi pensione istituiti anteriormente al novembre 1992.
L'imposta sostitutiva è del 0,5% (in some cases rises to 1.5%) in the case of pension funds that hold real estate.


Benefits paid from the pension fund may be paid:
in the form of capital, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the accumulated final column, in the form of
annuity (periodic).
For the purposes of taxation, the benefits paid by pension schemes (whether in the form of capital and income) are treated as income assimilated to those of employment and subject to the same taxation.

  • WHEN CAN 'ASK A preview

may be required anticipation of the matured:
1) at any time, for an amount not greater than 75% of the position gained at the time of the request, in the case of health care costs as a result of very serious situations relating to the member, spouse and children to special interventions and treatments approved by the competent public facilities. In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax personal income tax of 15%;
2) eight years from the inclusion, in an amount not more than 75% of the position gained, to
- l ' buying a first home, or for writing for children Documented by a notary;
- for implementation of restructuring on the first house, specifically documented.
In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax personal income tax of 23%;
3) eight years from the inclusion, in an amount not to exceed 30% of the position gained, for additional needs of members. In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax income tax of 23%.

We remain at your disposal for any clarification.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Dog Threw Up Green

Maneuver Summer (2008)

The economic measure of summer has arrived with the Decree Law No 25 June 2008 112, currently in the conversion course, providing many changes to existing legislation.

Full text of the decree:

Here, in brief, some very interesting points:
  • Robin Tax (Article 81, paragraphs 16 to 18)
The so-called Robin Tax IRES provides an additional 5.5 percentage points, from the period tax on the date of entry into force of the decree law of action, the amount the total net income of individuals who have achieved during the previous tax revenues of more than 10 million euro and operating in the fields: research and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining, production or marketing of gasoline, oil, gas oil for various uses, lubricating oils and residues, liquid petroleum gas and natural gas production and distribution of electricity.
  • Tax (Article 63)
E 'earmarked for the financial year 2009 amounting to € 500,000.00, in a special fund to implement the extension of benefits tax currently in force, to be adopted by subsequent legislative action.
  • identity card (article 31)
E 'planned extension of the period of validity of the identity card from 5 to 10 years. The extension applies to all valid documents upon entry into force of this decree. It will be borne by the municipalities must inform the citizen ID card expires.
  • prevalently mutual cooperatives (Article 82, paragraphs 25 and 26)
E 'provided that the prevailing mutual cooperatives which have submitted in the budget debts membership exceeding 50 million euro and increased the amount of the net book value including profit, spend 5% of annual net income to finance the solidarity fund for the poor.
  • Cooperatives and withhold tax on interest to members (Article 82, paragraph 27)
E 'expected to increase the withholding tax on interest paid by the cooperative societies and associations of individuals moving from members 12.5 to 20 percent.
  • consumer cooperatives and associations (Article 82, paragraphs 28 and 29)
is elevated 30 to 55% share of profits netti annuali destinati a riserve indivisibili che concorrono alla formazione del reddito imponibile delle cooperative di consumo e loro consorzi.
  • Contenzioso tributario (articolo 55)
Per i processi tributari pendenti per i quali non è stata ancora fissata l’udienza di trattazione alla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto, gli uffici devono depositare presso la competente segreteria apposita dichiarazione di persistenza del loro interesse alla definizione del giudizio, pena l'estinzione di diritto del medesimo processo. In tal caso le spese giudiziarie restano a carico della parte che le ha sopportate. Obiettivo della norma l'accelerazione dei processi tributari.
  • Contrasto all’evasione fiscale derivante dalle estero-residenze fittizie delle persone fisiche (articolo 83, commi 16 e 17)
Per contrastare lo spostamento fittizio all’estero della residenza delle persone fisiche ai fini di evasione fiscale viene introdotta una specifica vigilanza da parte dell’Agenzia delle entrate, con il supporto dei Comuni.
  • Controlli finalizzati all’accertamento sintetico (articolo 83, commi da 8 a 15)
E' previsto un piano straordinario per il triennio 2009-2011 nell'attività di accertamento finalizzato alla determinazione sintetica del reddito delle persone fisiche, sulla base di elementi desunti dall’anagrafe tax or acquired under the ordinary powers of investigation. To the control plan helps the financial police with the cooperation of municipalities, which will report relevant situations.

  • tax record real estate lease contracts (Article 82, paragraphs 14 and 15)
For property leases the proportional registration tax is 1% if they relate to instrumental properties, 2% if residential property.
  • rescheduling of amounts entered in part (Article 83, paragraph 23)
E 'no longer the requirement to furnish a guarantee guarantors in case of request for rescheduling delle somme iscritte a ruolo maggiori di 50.000,00 €.
  • Stock option (articolo 82, commi 23 e 24)
Sono state abolite le agevolazioni in materia di stock option . Quindi le plusvalenze da stock option rientrano tra i redditi che concorrono alla formazione del reddito da lavoro dipendente. La disposizione si applica alle azioni assegnate ai dipendenti a decorrere dalla entrata in vigore del presente decreto.
  • Strumenti di pagamento (articolo 32)
E' previsto l'innalzamento da 5.000,00 € a 12.500,00 € del limite per i trasferimenti di contante, di libretti di deposito bancari o postali o di titoli al portatore. Gli assegni bancari e circolari dovranno indicare la clausola di non trasferibilità se superiori a 12.500 €. Il saldo dei libretti bancari o postali al portatori non potranno essere superiore a 12.500 €.
  • Abolizione della tracciabilità per i compensi dei professionisti (articolo 32)
Eliminata la norma che prevedeva che i compensi in denaro dei professionisti fossero riscossi, oltre un tetto, esclusivamente tramite assegni non trasferibili o bonifici o altre modalità di pagamento bancario o postale purché tracciabile .
  • Studi industry and abolition of the customer lists suppliers (Article 33)
Since 2009, the sector studies will be published in the Official Gazette before September 30 of the tax period in which they enter into force. The obligation of sending lists of online customers and suppliers VAT has been abolished. For taxpayers who have omitted the presentation of such lists will not be any penalty imposed. The only question that remains open concerns the fate of the data received by the tax authorities for the purposes of estimation.