Monday, March 2, 2009

Chihuahua Clothes For 8 Weeks


The process:
- the client send us the documents (electronic or by mail)
- our studio to check the documentation and prepares the statement
- send models to the various deadlines for the payment of taxes and tax returns completed we will send to the Ministry.

- Communicate changes of residence occurred in 2008 and 2009;
- Communicate changes that occurred in marital status During 2008 and 2009;
- Communicating the birth of children as well as demographic information about occurred in 2008 and 2009;
- Communicate personal data even if the spouse is not fiscally dependent.

'need to communicate if the spouse and family members are dependent, and children in which percentuale.La deduction if not for the year 2008, the spouse or family members, have income was more than € 2,840.51 gross of deductible expenses each.

LAND AND BUILDINGS - UPDATED cadastral surveys of buildings and land owned;
- Communicate any sales taking care to provide a copy of the deed;
- Communicate changes in the use of the property (eg building first used as a secondary residence and leased, rented property first and then empty for the year, etc.).
- Bring a copy of the contract rent for the property leased.

Communicate the intention to make the choice of ' 8 per thousand IRPEF to:
- religious or charitable purposes in the direct management Catholic Church;
- interventions to social, welfare, humanitarian and cultural Italy and abroad by the Italian Union of Christian Churches Adventist Day 7;
- social and humanitarian interventions also in favor of third world countries by the Assemblies of God in Italy;
- for the purpose of character social, charitable, humanitarian or cultural direct management of the Waldensian Church, the Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches;
- interventions social, charitable, humanitarian and cultural rights in Italy and abroad, directly from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy and through the Community associated therewith;
- the protection of religious interests of Jews in Italy to direct management of the Union of Jewish Communities. If nothing is
statement in this regard will not be made any choice.
Warning: please note that if no choice is not made, however, in agreement with the State of the Vatican, however, a party shall be addressed to the church.
If you do not want this you should choose the destination to go to the State.

Communicate the intention to make the choice of 5 per thousand IRPEF to:
a) in support of listed entities, with the possibility to include the tax number of the association: •
• promotion associations Social registered with the national, regional and provincial
• associazioni riconosciute che senza scopo di lucro operano in via esclusiva o prevalente nei settori di cui all’articolo 10, comma 1, lett.a), del decreto legislativo 4 dicembre 1997, n. 460;
• associazioni sportive dilettantistiche in possesso del riconoscimento ai fini sportivi rilasciato dal CONI a norma di legge.
b) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca scientifica e dell’università.
c) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca sanitaria.


- Copie dei versamenti effettuati a titolo d’acconto delle imposte per il 2008 (Mod. F24);
- Certificates relating to withholding taxes incurred for occasional performances.

professionals and entrepreneurs
Interested companies must submit prospectuses relating to inventories as of 31/12/2008.

- CUD's employees, board and assimilated;
- Income from participation in society of people not operated by the writer's Studio;
- Dividends and profits accruing to the shares of social Srl;
- Reporting sales of SRL shares or equity interests;
- ILOR All refunds, Social Security and medical costs reimbursed by the mutual aid societies (CAMPA, EMEC);
- Performance occasional self-employment;
- allowances received by the spouse as a result of legal separation, copy Judgement Seat;
- Amount of rental fees received in 2008.

deductible or deductible
- Medical expenses paid in 2008 (Tax receipts, invoices and "talking tickets");
- Costs incurred in 2008 for the physically handicapped (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts);
- veterinary expenses for pets legally held (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts, vet booklet which shows the owner);
- Interest paid on loans burdened by mortgage on property used as main house and not (Certification of interests, copy of the purchase of the property and a copy of the stipulation of the loan);
- Insurance premiums on life or accident insurance for contracts entered into or renewed by 31.12.2000; insurance premiums against the risk of death or permanent disability of more than 5% for contracts entered into or renewed from 1 .1.2001 (receipt of payment);
- funeral expenses incurred in 2008 for family members (Bills);
- Charges d ' secondary education, university and specialized incurred in 2008 (mail bulletins and / or transfers);
- compulsory social security contributions paid in 2008, including the portion retained Ssn the RC car;
- Amounts paid to supplementary pension schemes and individual;
- Contributions paid by the employer paid in 2008 for "maid" (Bulletins postal INAIL);
- Syndicated mandatory contributions paid in 2008 (Ex. Bulletins postal reclamation);
- dispensing money to (receipts, post bulletins and / or transfers): Religious institutions, NGO, political parties, cultural and artistic activities (eg. La Biennale di Venezia); schools , mutual aid societies, foundations and corporations operating in the show working in the music industry, amateur sports associations;
- Expenses paid for renovating old buildings by bank in 2008;
- Costs incurred by teachers in 2008 to update itself and training;
- Costs incurred in 2008 for the purchase of subscriptions to public transport services. The deduction is also supported if the interests of family members carico.Le costs to consider are those incurred in 2008 even though they refer to subscription due to expire in 2009.Nel if ticket is not the same name must be preserved and accompanied by self-certification (declaration in lieu of an affidavit) made by the taxpayer stating that the subscription has been purchased for the same or his dependent family member;
- Contributions for the ransom of the degree course fiscally dependent on the subject, which has not yet started the work and not a member of any form of compulsory insurance;
- Membership fees, paid through banks or through the postal service, not only for themselves and for family members , the mutual aid societies;
- allowances paid to the spouse as a result of legal separation, a copy of the sentence and payment of claims;
- Fees paid for each child to attend kindergarten;
- Copy lease for all ' main dwelling, stipulated under the conventional regime established by L. 431/98 ("contractual arrangements") for the nominee;
- Cost of carers personnel costs incurred in 2008;
- Costs for the replacement of refrigerators, freezers and their combinations (sales slip, talking on their identification data, date of purchase and not less than the energy class A + appliance, and establish a ' self-declaration indicating the type of the unit replaced (fridge, freezer, etc. ..), the methods used for the disposal and an indication of the individual who provided the collection and disposal of the appliance);
- Costs incurred in 2008 for sports activities practiced by children aged between 5 and 18 years (Postal Bulletin, receipt, invoice or bank transfer);
- Costs incurred in 2008 for real estate brokerage for the purchase of the main;
- Costs incurred in 2008 for rents paid by students off-site (at least 100 km away from the municipality of residence) (Copy lease and received subsidies or fees paid);
- Costs incurred in 2008 for the renovation of buildings (Prior notification to the Operations Centre in Pescara, invoices and receipts, payments by bank transfer or bank transfer);
- Costs incurred in 2008 for action aimed at energy savings in existing buildings or any class of rural land also. The types of interventions foreseen are: energy improvement di edifici esistenti; interventi sull’involucro di edifici esistenti; installazione di pannelli solari; sostituzione di impianti di climatizzazione invernale;
- copia della dichiarazione dell'anno precedente (Mod. 730/2008 o mod. Unico 2008).


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