MOU comes the great!
Hi! After decades of mold and cobwebs, I update my blog! Incredible! And place just because the opportunity is ripe (besides the fact that I have a half hour of free time which is already amazing in itself)! In
newsstands on Wednesday last April 14 on Mickey Mouse 2838 is an amusing story written by a magician of the script as Fausto Vitaliano and designed by myself with difficulty.
The story in two episodes (and therefore the conclusion of the 2839 Mickey Mouse will be on April 21) tells the hilarious adventures of two cousins, Donald and disastrous Paperoga dealing with the adventures of a "dangerous" football video game "Ultimate Mundial 2.0"!
The two ducks will battle to the last feather to try to win the game, and thanks to innovative technology "Real 3-D" are themselves in the field as coaches!
will, however face a "big" piece of football, which is a kind of soul of the game, a controller of the regularity and the "sanctity" of football: the MOU GREAT! What is the nice version of the great comic Mou International, the current coach. It should be a laugh. Even the ducks because the players can use as a parody of all the players in the world by Papertotti Quàquà from Abracadamovic to Paperinho (even with a small cameo of Maradi and platinum)!
And within a comprehensive service on the basic rules and tricks of the video game "Ultimate Mundial 2.0"! Have fun! :)
Shopping tips:
1) is released in all newsstands "Disney Treasures" 6: The first Legend of Mickey Mouse and Goofy Kid six shots! I highly recommend it (and not just because I've designed the cover) because Mickey Mouse Kid has accompanied my childhood and it is for me a character that I particularly like (my beloved Paperinik I do not want !;)).
2) Council and then also the No. 2 "VALTER DARK" the splendid and most interesting miniseries Alessandro Bilotta! Truly a comic not to be missed!
3) Instead FRIDAY April 23 next week, keep an eye on the newsstands because ...
But we will speak next week!;)
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