Sunday, February 20, 2011

Herpes Breakthrough Cure


La giornata nn era delle migliori...cielo grigio, leggera pioggerellina, aria nel primissimo pomeriggio ecco spuntare qualche raggio di sole...che si fa, chiedo a mio marito? Da una settimana gli esprimo il mio desiderio di andare a Venezia, visto che ormai siamo in pieno Carnevale...arrivano turisti da tutto il mondo per vederlo, e noi che abitiamo a 20 minuti di treno, ahimè, nn ci siamo mai stati in questo periodo...che vergogna...
Just a glance and understand each other ... you go!
Along the path that leads to Piazza San Marco, a few drops of rain with us, but frightens us: No, we are more determined than ever to arrive, like many others, the goal ... and here she is, in its splendor, square packed with people ... so many children in masks, a few typical Venetian masks, perhaps aided by the bad weather ... we are a little disappointed ...
In the middle of the square, the Fountain of wine that flows really, the novelty of the year, as the beautiful black smiling at Columbine message of the many tourists who wish to immortalize in one click ...
Confetti circling in the air, settle in your hair, to end up on the floor, crying babies and posing for some photos, but she is now, the real princess of Piazza San Marco, in his beautiful yellow dress and her beautiful smile ... all naive ask her a picture, and she more than a smile, hello hello is also with the hand ...
Slowly turn on the lights and set the night ... you return home, you begin to collect streamers and confetti, but tomorrow the place will fill up again in many colors, so much joy and many tourists come from somewhere where to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world: our Venice!


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