Monday, December 27, 2010

Orlando Sandals For Pedicure

Placeholder Christmas

Placeholder Christmas: cupcakes with cream and MarshMellow that turns into a snowman, cake, pie and Christmas tree marzipan icing.
To buy write to , I'll be ready to inform you about prices, payment methods and shipping.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can I Take Expired Clonazepam

roll up our sleeves

Reading between the various forums and listening to others' experiences more and more I am convinced that we must roll up their sleeves and plunge in the welfare-DO-IT-YOURSELF: A good form would be the nest-family let's take a step together in the area we live in and see what happens.
A brief reflections and practical knowledge about what to do :-)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Burton Clash Aanbieding

What is managed separately? Current Poll

Dear friends, my answer is very simple: a nightmare. Yeah, it's like something that should be simple in reality it is not at all.
management is a separate account that the employee has an obligation parasubordinate to open at INPS and pay the contributions do not know about you but I never knew anything about it until I found waiting for Aurora and I started hacking away at once. The work of the consultant told me initially that it was a voluntary thing, and then I was automatically enrolled :-///.
I will spare you my personal and incredible adventures with INPS and go straight to the point by taking the following info from the site INPS:

financial compensation, instead of remuneration, paid by INPS female workers for the period of statutory maternity leave from work (maternity leave).

Who is

all workers who belong to separate management who pay the contribution for maternity (0.72%), provided they are not entered simultaneously with other management and non-statutory pension pensioners. The allowance is paid if the employee is in possession of at least three months of contributions accredited for 12 months before the start of maternity leave.


financial compensation equal to ' 80% daily income (income annuale/365) produced in the 12 months preceding the start of maternity leave.
The allowance is paid for the period of maternity leave which includes:
  • the two months before the expected date of childbirth (or the previous month if flexibility ) and day of birth
  • 3 months after birth (or after 4 months in the case of flexibility)
  • if the confinement occurs before the expected date, the days in between the actual date and expected date add up to 3 months after childbirth
  • if the birth occurs after the expected date, the days are paid between the date alleged and the date effective
  • other periods compulsory leave early or extended Inspection Service arranged by the Provincial Department of Labour (DPL).


should be submitted to and the client / s and the INPS of residence (or home), possible before the date of commencement of leave mandatory and in any event no later than the end of one year from the end of maternity leave.
Otherwise, the entitlement is lost.
the model can be used
Mod.Mat.Gest.Sep. SR29 available in offices or on the INPS website - \u200b\u200bForms online .
Applications may be mailed (return receipt requested) or via an institution of patronage, which offers free, enclosing a copy of the identity.


  • Certificate doctor of pregnancy including the expected date of birth issued by doctor ASL (NHS). The certificate must be delivered in a sealed envelope INPS
  • birth certificate of the child or self normally be submitted within 30 days after delivery
  • copy of the order of early leave or extended by the work issued by the Inspection Service of the Provincial Labour Directorate. There is no need to deliver such copy if the measure is sent by INPS labor inspection service
  • Health records on termination of pregnancy occurred after 180 days beginning of gestation (before the 180 days it is the sick pay)
  • for flexibility: medical certificates issued by the gynecologist of the National Health Service (or agreement with it) and the company doctor by the end of the 7th month of pregnancy , proving the absence situations of risk to the health of the mother and the unborn child (to be enclosed in a sealed envelope). In the absence of the company doctor, the employer must declare that there is no obligation on the farm for health monitoring.
L’indennità è pagata  direttamente dall’Inps  secondo la modalità scelta nel modello di domanda:
  • bonifico presso l’ufficio postale
  • accredito su conto corrente bancario o postale.
Una volta presentata la domanda, se Inps non paga entro  1 year the end of the leave, the entitlement is lost prescription . To avoid loss of compensation is necessary to submit a written request to INPS for payment before the expiry of the limitation, the request may also be sent by registered mail with return receipt. From the date of application, in the meantime, if payment is not the case, begins to run another year statute of limitations.

This is it, sins that have been paid after 10 months of waiting, and optional maternity leave is only for 3 months after 30% of salary in year earlier, after which it ... one is attached to the tram, and meanwhile maturing and precarious becomes unemployed and have not even entitled to unemployment benefits because it is not established by law for the quasi-employees.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Iron In Cereal Uv Vis


Let us first see these videos

then continue with this

see how much we share this sad reality

Extra Extra Large Laundry Baskets

mother precarious

Exactly 36 years I will do tomorrow, and unfortunately many of my peers are very disadvantaged, but this we know, is rhetorical. Why suffer? Why are graduate, specialist and always precarious, and many are in Italy, and are not only insecure but also a mother who has been dismissed because incinta; ovviamente con un contrato a progetto che maschera un contratto di lavoro subordinato con tanto di responsabilità e 8 ore di faticoso lavoro giornaliero alle spalle.
La cosa più schifosa è che non hanno avuto il coraggio di dirmi nulla, ho saputo che il "contrato era scaduto" dal consulente del lavoro quando ho portato un certificato medico; già il contratto è scaduto!!!!!! Ovviamente la legge non ti tutela, non tutela i figli e così, visto che "i contratti scadono" ora sono in mezzo ad una strada e mi sono rivolta ad un legale.
Ad oggi mia figlia ha quasi un anno, e sto cominciando a cercare un lavoro part-time per occuparmi della bambina ma le porte si chiudono costantemente perchè:
- c'è crisis: - /
- part-time work is not appreciated by the company: - / /
- children care about the company because you can arrive late if they get sick and must stay home to take care
and neglecting the duties of their business :-///
But this is only one aspect of the matter, the addition and equally sad is the lack of welfare, 'cos no nursery, no contributions, no culture of protection of motherhood and Our children are the future.
So there remains only one solution, at least to the second aspect: CREATING THE WELFARE DO-IT-YOURSELF.
my blog so he wants to be constructive in favor of WELFARE DO-IT-YOURSELF, why call other women in my own terms, to come forward to be heard, if we join all and many have a chance to listen and give us a better future for our children.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Make A Dora Explorer Backpack Patern


For those wishing to read one of my great interview, with photos and illustrations by the great and omniscient Luca Boschi, recommend buying DISNEY GOLDEN YEARS # 11 on sale from November 20. Of course, in addition to the interview, there are beautiful stories written and drawn by 70/80 year masters of Disney comics as Pezzin De Vita Cavazzano Cat just to name a few.
Greetings to all.

also shows the link to the blog of Luke, where Woods made a cute quiz linked to my interview: -doro-with-a-sublime-quiz.html

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kate's Playground Free Rabbit

The customer is always ... wrong! (1)

Sarà che agosto è un mese di vacanza, un mese in cui tutti voglion stare da un'altra parte rispetto a quella dove stanno abitualmente, un mese in cui tutti sono stanchi da un lungo anno di lavoro, stressati, nervosi, sarà quel che sarà, ma intanto è ormai consueta una certa maleducazione degli esercenti nei confronti dei clienti!
Una volta vigeva la regola non scritta "il cliente ha sempre ragione" !
Ora tale regola è sostituita da quella " il cliente ha sempre torto , anzi trattiamolo male e se protesta lo insultiamo"!
Si nota chiaramente un certo "fastidio" nell'offrire il servizio per cui il cliente paga, quasi fosse un favore che fanno a prenderne i soldi!
Ma scendiamo nel dettaglio: ho due esempi che, per il mio modo di vedere, rasentano la follia!
Il primo riguarda le "famigerate" Poste italiane! O meglio l' Ufficio Postale Roma 75 di via Pantelleria, zona Montesacro.
Dopo essermi recato a portare un pacco leggero da spedire con Posta Prioritaria, uno strano essere femminile troppo abbronzato per esser sole naturale e con delle tette troppo ingombranti per esser di sua proprietà, mi comincia a suggerire, con insistenza e senza mai prender tempo per respirare, di fare una Raccomandata 1 che mi verrebbe a costare 6 euro! La mia sorpresa è evidente, 6 euro è tanto per un pacco leggero, meglio la prioritaria, grazie. Ma l'essere mysterious I replied that I would Priority 5 € , and do not give me any compensation or security of arrival timing. Damn I was almost convinced. But I ask politely hesitant to check to see the actual cost of my package: result: € 1.50 ! "AH!" I I "5 €" and (controversially) I choose the priority!
The operator of this world (take-chestnut), not content continues to insist, saying that the cmq Priority is a risk (good advertising), I agree that if they turn the Raccomandata1 not bend me the parcel, etc.etc. Before his detention went beyond terrorism and say, "Look, I did not make arguments for his evidente errore sul prezzo, ma ora basta, mi faccia quello che ho chiesto da mezz'ora! Grazie!".
E qui lo strano alieno surriscaldato dalle troppe lampade risponde: "Allora le auguro che il suo pacco vada perso!"
CoooOOOooosa???? Ma siamo in un Ufficio Postale! Lei è una operatrice di tale Ufficio! the alteration of the strange girl ask you to pay particular attention to the report, she says that her work can do it! Finally comes the
Director; spiegatogli what happened to me right after calling the operator petulant solar, from behind the mountains of gelatin which is pursuing, he continues to breathe without petulance. The Director seems to realize that hope that the mail is lost is like going to the butcher and heartfelt wishes that the meat has worms. I go, I and 500 meters ... I notice that the bulletin is

140 € instead of 70 I have to pay! Caspiterina (to say the least!) I'll be back as an angry buffalo nell'Ufficio Postale e chiamo di nuovo il Direttore. Avviso anche l'aliena allampadata che ha sbaglaito il bollettino e in risposta ricevo un sorriso sprezzante che mostra la difficoltà di certi muscoli facciali nell'assumere posizioni ormai desuete da quel volto. Le dico, ormai stizzito, che se fosse un uomo (ma anche un essere umano) quel sorriso glielo stamperei in faccia. lei risponde che per tale minaccia chiamerà i carabinieri. Io dico: MAGARI! Ovviamente se ne guarda bene dal farlo. Arriva finalmente il Direttore (nuovamente tolto dai suoi numerooosi impegni) e spiegatogli (di nuovo) il problema, si occupa lui di "correggere" il bollettino, spiegandomi che cmq non ci sarebbe stato problema... la settimana successiva mi avrebbero richiamato ( but what number?? Who gave him my phone??
Mah!) To inform me of the error. Obviously if I had been out of Rome would have to go back but oh well ... who cares?! The petulance petulant
continues until the Director does not shut up. I ask her name (having removed the identification card), but does not have the courage to give it. I call on the Director's letter to protrude complaint. And so do I: on line and ... Mail (sigh!).
We'll see if I will know something. But you know ... The customer is always wrong!
Continued ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boat Flooring Repair Ri


"I and my memories PINOCCHIO" After the Show
Palaia (Pisa) Villa del Borgo of June 5, 2010
Mailart The project continues with a new call and a New Show. The Exhibition will be presented in collaboration with: Biblioteca Comunale "G. Cozzi) and the patronage of the town of Zero Branco (Treviso). On the occasion of the International Exhibition of Children's illustration Sarmede on "Pinocchio" (Venice International Foundation for Childhood Stefan Sarmede Zavrel (TV)
To be held in the Halls of Villa Guidini Zero Branco (TV) from 03 October to November 14, 2010
Mailart The project will be handled delle Artiste Virginia Milici (TV) e Simona Pocorobba (Ge)
Saranno Esposte anche le Mailart facenti parte del primo progetto Di Villa Del Borgo Palaia (Pisa)

Io, Pinocchio e i miei ricordi

Storia delle avventure di un Burattino di legno “Pinocchio” nato dalla penna di Carlo Lorenzini, meglio noto come Carlo Collodi. Pubblicato nel 1883.
Un capolavoro Italiano, conosciuto in tutto il mondo. Ad accrescerne la popolarità oltre al film di Walt Disney “Pinocchio” lo splendido sceneggiato tv di Luigi Comencini “Le avventure di Pinocchio” Interpretato da Andrea Balestri nel personaggio di Pinocchio .E da indimenticabili protagonisti del Cinema Italiano quali:- Nino Manfredi, Gina Lollobrigida, Ciccio Ingrassia, Franco Franchi Domenico Santoro, Vittorio De Sica.
Pinocchio, a wonderful character of our youth. A naive figure who does not believe in the existence of evil.
His moral comments on the bizarre case of man, by the realism of a world governed by the law of the smartest, the condition of children (if present) to a song of freedom and imagination.

invited artists from around the world Children and adults are also welcome schools. to tell and give freedom to the imagination:
Join with 1 to 4 Mailart maximum A4
title "I, and my memories Pinocchio"

Freestyle Final Arrival September 20, 2010 On the back
indicate: Author, technique, title, address. (Clear and legible)
No return (poster or brochure will be sent to all participants as a reminder of the Show)

Send only via Direct Mail to: / send To: Virginia Milici, Via Verdi, 18 / A ch. 31038 Paese (TV) ITALY
The MailArt received this call, will be left in the donation by the curator of the project (Virginia and Simona) The Public Library of Zero Branco (TV) "G. Cozzi." That will use at other events . One way to make known the MailArt to a wider audience. The
Mailart from Villa Del Borgo instead will return to Villa del Borgo Mostra has concluded.
Vi dei bei ricordi Auguro Pinocchieschi. Vi aspettiamo Numbers.


After exposure of Palaia (Pisa) of the Village of Villa 5 June 2010, the mail art project continues with a new call and new exhibition. The exhibition will be presented in collaboration with the Municipal Library "Cozzi G." and sponsoring the town of Zero Branco (TV) on the occasion of the international exhibition of artwork for children of Sarmede on "PINOCCHIO "to be held in Room Villa Guidini Zero Branco (TV) from 03 October to 14 November 2010. The project is
Mailart launched by the Artists and Simona Pocorobba Virginia Milici.
Works received for the exhibition of Palaia (Pisa) during the first part of the project will also be exhibited.

"Me, Pinocchio and my memories. "

History of the adventures of a wooden puppet" Pinocchio "born from the pen of Carlo Lorenzini, published in 1883. An Italian masterpiece, known throughout the world.
His popularity has been increased through the Disney movie "Pinocchio" the beautiful soap opera by Luigi Comencini, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" starring Andrea Balestri in the character Pinocchio, and unforgettable characters such as Italian cinema: Nino Manfredi, Gina Lollobrigida, Ciccio Ingrassia, Franco Santoro Dominique Franks, Vittorio De Sica.
Pinocchio, a wonderful character of our childhood. An illustration naive who does not believe in the existence of evil. Expresses his moral realism of a world of the fittest and the smartest child and condition, still current, a song of freedom and imagination.

We invite artists from around the world to tell and to give free rein to their imagination
It is possible to make 1-4 items up to A4 size.
Theme: "Me, Pinocchio et mes souvenirs".
Technique libre.
Date limite d’envoi le 20 septembre 2010.
Au dos de votre envoi, indiquer: Auteur, technique, titre, adresse (clair et lisible).
Vos œuvres ne seront pas renvoyées. Elles seront laissées en donation par les créatrices du projet (Virginia et Simona) à la bibliothèque Communale de Zéro Branco (Tv) qui pourra les utiliser pour d’autres évènements. Une façon de faire connaître l’Art postal à un public plus vaste. Le œuvres reçues antérieurement pour la première exposition retourneront à Pise.
Une affiche ou une brochure seront envoyées à tous les participants comme souvenir de l'exposition.
Mailing address: MILICI VIRGINIA - Via Verdi 18 / A Acc. - 31038 PAESE (TV) - ITALY.

We wish you good memories with Pinocchio and many are waiting for this project.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Front Knee Pain More Condition_symptoms

ORVIETO COMICS Sunday 16 I will have a meeting with the public at about 16.15 hours in the Hall of the Governor.
Anyone who wants to come will be more than pleased and happy to answer your questions.
Best wishes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What Is The Filter Of A Thermostat

Friday of the Republic.

Hello. Today (Friday, April 23) is a special day for me. The Republic of

out with my cover. Cover with the characters
Disney course, that for me are now a constant in my life.
Mickey & co have been with me since childhood and after 40 years (gulp!) are still here with me, even better, now I'm there with them !
And today we got together on the cover of Friday of the Republic. So thanks

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Capillaries Chest Liver Disease

MOU comes the great!

Hi! After decades of mold and cobwebs, I update my blog! Incredible! And place just because the opportunity is ripe (besides the fact that I have a half hour of free time which is already amazing in itself)! In
newsstands on Wednesday last April 14 on Mickey Mouse 2838 is an amusing story written by a magician of the script as Fausto Vitaliano and designed by myself with difficulty.
The story in two episodes (and therefore the conclusion of the 2839 Mickey Mouse will be on April 21) tells the hilarious adventures of two cousins, Donald and disastrous Paperoga dealing with the adventures of a "dangerous" football video game "Ultimate Mundial 2.0"!
The two ducks will battle to the last feather to try to win the game, and thanks to innovative technology "Real 3-D" are themselves in the field as coaches!
will, however face a "big" piece of football, which is a kind of soul of the game, a controller of the regularity and the "sanctity" of football: the MOU GREAT! What is the nice version of the great comic Mou International, the current coach. It should be a laugh. Even the ducks because the players can use as a parody of all the players in the world by Papertotti Quàquà from Abracadamovic to Paperinho (even with a small cameo of Maradi and platinum)!
And within a comprehensive service on the basic rules and tricks of the video game "Ultimate Mundial 2.0"! Have fun! :)

Shopping tips:
1) is released in all newsstands "Disney Treasures" 6: The first Legend of Mickey Mouse and Goofy Kid six shots! I highly recommend it (and not just because I've designed the cover) because Mickey Mouse Kid has accompanied my childhood and it is for me a character that I particularly like (my beloved Paperinik I do not want !;)).

2) Council and then also the No. 2 "VALTER DARK" the splendid and most interesting miniseries Alessandro Bilotta! Truly a comic not to be missed!

3) Instead FRIDAY April 23 next week, keep an eye on the newsstands because ...
But we will speak next week!;)