Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unblock South Park Studios


nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants no ... there are those who are in favor, everyone who it is for nothing ... I'm not quite as safe or No? After what happened at Chernobyl and in these days in Japan (because of the employee will man nn), nn know what might be your thoughts ... I think there are other forms of energy, safer nuclear power ...
Personally, I support alternative energy, so much so that we have installed photo voltaic and we are fine. In addition to this there are many other alternative sources, solar panels, wind power to name a few ... but often in our country are frowned upon as nn disfigure the landscape ...
Traveling sometimes to the countries of the north, we got to see how wind energy is here instead used ... through the roads of Ireland and Scotland, nor do we encountered a lot ... detuparno the landscape? Maybe at first sight is a little impact, but then you do the eye and may perhaps give nn nn so much trouble ... and even make noise, since only a slight rustling in the wind ... and this certainly pollute nn is very important!
What is your thought on this?

wind turbines in the Scottish countryside in 2010


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