Saturday, December 27, 2008

Can Pharmacy Bought Glycerin Be Used On Tattoos


On November 29, 2008 entered in force Decree-Law No 185, so-called "decree crisis", containing several interventions in support of businesses and households.

  • Bonus Overtime (Article 1)
E 'planned for 2009 only a special bonus for families, workers, pensioners dependent . The benefit is awarded based on the number of family members, any members with disabilities and the total household income reported in fiscal year 2007 or, alternatively, to the year 2008, the following amounts:
- € 200.00 in respect of holders of retirement income and only members of the family, where the total income does not exceed € 15,000.00;
- € 300.00 for the family of two components, where the total household income does not exceed € 17,000.00;
- € 450.00 for the family of three components, where the total household income does not exceed € 17,000 , 00;
- € 500.00 for the family of four components, where the total household income does not exceed € 20,000.00;
-€ 600.00 for the family of five components, where the reddito complessivo familiare non sia superiore ad euro 20.000,00;
- euro 1.000,00 per il nucleo familiare di oltre cinque componenti, qualora il reddito complessivo familiare non sia superiore ad euro 22.000,00;
- euro 1.000,00 per il nucleo familiare in cui vi siano figli a carico del richiedente portatori di handicap ai sensi dell’art. 3 comma 3, della legge 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104, qualora il reddito complessivo familiare non sia superiore ad euro 35.000,00.
Esclusi dal beneficio i lavoratori autonomi, i titolari di partita Iva e chi ha redditi fondiari superiori a 2.500 euro.
La richiesta dell’erogazione del beneficio deve essere presentata al sostituto d'imposta:
- entro il 31 gennaio 2009, qualora il beneficio sia richiesto sulla base del numero di componenti del nucleo familiare e del reddito complessivo familiare riferiti al periodo d’imposta 2007;
- entro il 31 marzo 2009, qualora il beneficio sia richiesto sulla base del numero di componenti del nucleo familiare e del reddito complessivo familiare riferiti al periodo d’imposta 2008.
Qualora il beneficio non venga erogato dai sostituti d’imposta, è necessario presentare una nuova richiesta da indirizzare all’Agenzia delle Entrate. Se il beneficio si riferisce al periodo d’imposta 2008, anziché 2007, la richiesta deve essere effettuata in sede di dichiarazione dei redditi ovvero, per i soggetti esonerati dalla presentazione della dichiarazione income must be submitted to the Revenue.
  • Deduction from ' IRES share IRAP on labor costs and interest (Article 6)

is no derogation to the principle of non-deductibility IRAP and from period 'set in progress at December 31, 2008, shall be allowed as a deduction an amount equal to 10 percent of IRAP, lump sum in respect of tax payable on the taxable portion of interest expense and similar charges, net of interest income and similar or expenses for employees and treated net of deductions. For periods tax prior to the current year to 31 December 2008, which was submitted by the deadline to request a refund taxpayers are entitled to reimbursement for an amount up to a maximum of 10% of ' IRAP year competence, referring lump sum to such interest and personnel costs. Taxpayers on the date of entry into force of this decree did not apply are entitled to reimbursement upon presentation of the Inland Revenue instance, only electronically.

  • incentives for the return in Italy of scientists residing abroad (Article 17, paragraph 1)

are provided incentives to return to Italy the "brains". The income from employment or self-teachers and researchers, who have university degree or equivalent, are not living abroad and have played occasionally documented research or teaching abroad at public or private research centers or university for at least two years consecutive to the date of entry into force of this decree or in one of the five calendar years after coming to carry out their activities in Italy, and that consequently become tax resident in the State shall be taxable only in the 10 percent, for the purposes of direct taxes, and do not contribute to the formation of net value of production of IRAP. The benefit of which apply in the tax period in which the researcher becomes taxable in the State and the two succeeding tax years still remains that the tax residence in Italy.

  • first home mortgages (Article 2)

E 'provided that the loans in installments over the variables 2009 can not exceed 4%. For new loans, however, from 1 January 2009 banks will have to ensure our customers the option of entering into loans secured by mortgages for the purchase of the main variable rate indexed to the rate on main refinancing operations of the Central Bank European Union.

  • after actual payment of VAT collection (Article 7)

E 'planned ability to pay the VAT when the actual consideration is received. This mode is experimental for the calendar years 2009, 2010 and 2011, and is subject to the go-ahead from Brussels. After a consent decree of the Minister of Economy will establish the turnover of the taxpayer against whom the provision is applicable and the method of implementation. The tax will become payable after one year, however, the timing of the transaction and the time limit does not apply in cases where the transferee or the purchaser, before the expiration of the annual term, has been subject to bankruptcy procedures or enforcement. The provisions of this subparagraph shall not apply to transactions by persons making use of special procedures for applying the tax, as well as those made in respect of the suppliers or customers who pay the tax by applying the reverse charge. The invoice should state the record that this transaction with chargeability to tax deferred, stating the relevant standard.

  • certified mail (Article 16)

E 'provided for the compulsory of firms set up in corporate form to indicate your email address certified on the application form to register. Companies already established at the entry into force of this decree should report within three years of certified e-mail address. The registration e-mail address in the register of certified companies and its subsequent variations are exempt from stamp duty and administration fees. Compliance is also similar to the registered professionals in books and lists established by state law that must communicate with their board or your e-mail certified within a year.

  • Reduce administrative costs of business (Article 16)

This paragraph contains a number of provisions aimed at reducing administrative costs of businesses. To this end are repealed: the requirement for electronic communication of fees for all those engaged in retail trade and cash equivalents that the requirement for holders of VAT to give prior notice to the Revenue intends to use in compensation claims in excess of 10 thousand euro and the obligation for taxpayers retail merchants and other cash equivalents through vending machines, store in electronic form, distinctly for each unit, each operation carried out in order to transmit, electronically, so the data stored on the Inland Revenue. It 'also provided for the lifting of sanctions applied in case of active repentance for late payment or omitted. Specifically, the reduction of the penalty by 30% to 1 / 8 of the minimum (3.75%) goes to 1 / 12 the lowest (2.5%), and that a fifth of the minimum (6%) goes to 1 / 10 the minimum (3%). Reduction of the advance

  • IRES and IRAP (Article 10)

E 'planned reduction of the advance IRES and IRAP by 3 percentage points. For taxpayers that the date of entry into force of this decree had already done it in full to the payment of a tax credit in proportion to the reduction of 3 points, for use in compensation ( tax code to compensate ).


The Law 133 of August 6, 2008 has ordered an intervention to support food expenditure and the burden on electricity bills and gas for certain types of citizens.
intervention is realized with the release of an electronic payment card called "Social card" distributed by post offices upon presentation of proper self-certified model request. With the paper is worth 40 € a month, you can also get discounts in shops that support the Purchasing Card program, you can go directly to the preferential electricity tariff and you can get discounts and other benefits that are being studied.
The Purchase Card is given to the elderly aged 65 years or more and children under the age of 3 years (in this case the cardholder is the parent) that have special requirements. In the case of elderly
requirements are:
1) be no older than 65 years;
2) is an Italian citizen / resident to in Italia e regolarmente iscritto all'Anagrafe;
3) essere un soggetto la cui imposta netta ai fini Irpef risulta pari a zero nell'anno di imposta antecedente al momento della richiesta della Carta Acquisti, oppure nel secondo anno di imposta antecedente al momento della richiesta della Carta Acquisti;
4) avere trattamenti pensionistici o assistenziali che, cumulati ai relativi redditi propri, sono di importo inferiore a 6.000 euro all'anno o di importo inferiore a 8.000 euro all'anno, se di età pari o superiore a 70 anni;
5) avere un ISEE (Indicatore della situazione economica equivalente), in corso di validità, inferiore a 6.000 euro;
6) non essere, da solo o insieme al coniuge, intestatario/i of more than a single household use and / or non-domestic, more than one user of gas, more than a motor vehicle;
7) not be, either alone or with his spouse, the owner / s: with a share greater than or equal to 25%, more than one residential property and / or owner / s, with a market share greater than or equal to 10% of commercial property to residential use or category of cadastral C7;
8) not, alone or together the spouse, the owner / s of a movable asset, as stated in the declaration ISEE , exceeding € 15,000;
9) do not receive meals provided by the State or other public authorities as institutionalization, care or long-term care detained in an institution penalty.
In the case of minor requirements are:
1) age less than 3 years;
2) Italian citizen / resident in Italy and regularly entered in the Registry;
3) have a ISEE (indicator of the economic situation equivalent), valid, less than € 6,000;
4) not be, either alone or in conjunction operator with the parental / carer and another person the legal guardian / custodian subject, owner / s: more users of a single household and / or home, more gas utilities;
5) not to be, alone or in conjunction operator with the parental / carer and another entity operator the parental / custodial person, the owner / s of more than two vehicles, with a market share greater than or equal to 25%, more than one residential property, the owner / s, with a market share greater than or equal to 10% buildings not for residential use or category of cadastral C7;
6) not to be, the operator alone or with parental / carer and another person the legal guardian / custodial person, the owner / s of an equity securities , as stated in the declaration ISEE , more than 15,000 €.


The Law 133, August 6 2008 provides that by June 26, 2008 the validity of the identity card is ten years and not more than five.
In that regard, the circular of the Ministry of the Interior No 208 0011437 of 27 October stated that identity cards valid during the June 25, 2008 may request the municipality of residence the same statement on a statement that extending to ten years, while those renewed after that have given valid for ten years.

  • We remain available for advice, statements ISEE and presentation of models of application for special bonuses.

  • Get a free quote: click here

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

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Happy Birthday Ross! (The Mist)

October 16, 2008: Happy Birthday Ross! In fact, the film is shot well. It 's a good movie. Definitely. Yes, maybe the fog that kills you have already seen ("Fog" reminds you of something?), Perhaps the group of people trapped in a supermarket surrounded by "monsters" is not an original idea, as Romero docet, but what develops inside is something unusual, however, consider that most of the human soul that the fight against the monsters. "Good" are "bad" to each other as well as outside. Who does not come to hate the crazy preacher raise your hand! At the end of strike and leave their mark more scenes between the "human" than those with the "monsters". Monsters which also have something of a dejavu of Lovecraftian memory. Show that you may not explain the origin would have been even better. And I will stop here for non-spoiler too. However, good movie in my opinion, not exceptional, not the horror film auteur as I expected, not even the most beautiful of recent years but remains an enjoyable film, with a final ... Even the ending! A final rosicare that makes me a lot. You do not expect a final, thankfully ... and unfortunately. No I will not worry I'm spoiling, the protagonist does not die or something ... you just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But I do not like to leave the cinema with a bitter taste in my mouth! No, thank you! I want sweet, nice old dear "HAPPY END"!
And to remove the bitterness from his mouth what could be better than the croissants from Romo? So between a croissant and cappuccino, again Happy Birthday Ross!
And now ... expect Wall-E!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Female Labia Stretching

raving the truth.

I am sipping chamomile to one and a half at night in front of the mac ... The conversation has gone up and down, up and down, turning the far corners but never forgotten.
And just behind one of these angles I have encountered something that is hard to find: a response to a question that actually then had an exclamation point rather than question.
I speak in terms confused and difficult, unless one does not often my brain, and is used to turn for its cobbled lanes.
But even if I speak with smoke signals, in reality this has dispelled the fog of smoke and past episodes are released documents and testimony that one thing as a blind or pretend to distort reality undisguised, that reality sooner or later wants to be.
And it can use every means and every moment, and when you least expect it, that's peeps throwing new light on past events; light on the whole was not as blurred even before, at least for those who did not want to cover their eyes with a bison.
I'm delusional? You do not understand a thing about what I write?
I'm afraid so. I'm afraid not.
But I understand.
sip chamomile, sooner or later I will sleep ...
Tomorrow is another day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Can I Use Headset In Ps3 For Movies

Day surprise.

Friday, September 12 c 'was the grand house party Bilotta! Festival spectacular drinks that seemed to appear from nowhere and without stopping in the same way ... people! I believe that Alexander, the owner, did not know even one third of the guests / posted. But the rest was just what the party expected. In one corner there was a nice TV that showed a silent film as in the most fashionable parties. There was music. And all, all I say, we danced.
And there were single women looking for men and single men seeking women ... pity that not always were. Someone then made use of explicit methods to show his intentions ... and the photos prove it!
short, a beautiful and fun party ...
which will be repeated on November 5!
And maybe a new year ...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How To Register A Car In Chicago

I want to believe!

I saw X-Files, the film Yes, of course, far from the series (well away from the series was when Mulder! Why he left the series for me has dropped ugly).
So here is the first to review the positive side with the two agents Mulder and Scully!
Then it is true, there are aliens! there is a monster! there is a mystery!
There is a serial killer ... or rather a species.
But even in the series was betting there are no aliens, no monsters, no mysteries ... and serial killer! In this case the touch of a file x is the presence of the priest's psychic! Partly perhaps, but enough to be an x \u200b\u200bfile.
But the x files bigger understand why the Vatican did not criticize the film, which is a continuum of pedophile priests, priests and priests staid and antiquated acids that do not help a sick child ...
Probably this has had little success with the public? But is it true that he has had enough? However, Mulder is always
him: cool, ironic, and convinced of his ideas!
And Scully ... no, not Scully! they ruined! E 'became a "ball" of a woman and not the physical point of view (because it is rather thin, and hollow cheeks too well have extended his chin)! He's always saying "stop Mulder" Mulder picked up "Mulder enough" excuse ... but do you remember that you are insisting that you have convinced to return to action? So now not break!
A ball really!
And failure to participate in activities with him like old times: when Mulder chases the culprit is the girl who runs the FBI with him, and Mulder is in trouble when she arrives ... but it's all Skinner!
Another flaw: Mulder and Scully in bed together, Mulder and Scully kissing several times Scully says that love ... In the face of nine series in which their relationship was still in doubt!
But overall I liked the film despite being too gruesome! And Ross has been up.
Welcome back X FILES!

JACK BAUER ... but it is another thing!

Monday, September 8, 2008

How To Recover From A Groin Injury Quick

Greetings in misery and nobility.

5settembre 2008: a beautiful evening! It could not be better
celebrate the beginning of autumn.
Or maybe it was the festival of late summer.
So it was a party! And all we had!
Or almost everyone. Marco, Ale and Henry absent justified.
Stefano and Valentina absent for reasons of miles! But we had with us a saint to evoke. The pizzeria
Misery and Nobility had prepared a table, bed, and granted us the use of carrier pigeons to communicate from one end of the table to another.
But in the end we were no longer standing that sitting, all spoke with everyone. The small
Nisus has enjoyed a long and extensive conversation with Senator Fabio, now has an assured place in the Senate if you never want to follow the rich career of Donald (hem. .. daddy). Appetizers and pizzas are excellent. Cake and champagne. And pictures. What else?
But obviously fabulous gifts!
Thanks again to everyone and see you next fall.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ontario Trailer Regulations

all started like this ...

A dark and stormy notes of 41 (!) Years ago, Mrs. Maria Luisa Rizzoli Gervasio gave birth to a beautiful baby ... in 8 months! That child was tired of being soaking in the dark belly attached to a cord annoying, and can not do the fundamental things of life: breakfast with cappuccino and bomb-cream kiosk and go to browse all the comics as possible! So that Thus Marco Gervasio began to lead a double life for all was born Sept. 4, but for the few who knew his secret was his birthday on 5!
but we wish they were welcome on any day:)

Germany's Average Bmi

year of the goat. Nessie

I was born the year of ... GOAT! Instead I chose the goat! Or rather, have chosen my parents!
But if I go to read the horoscope for that sign I think again: is not bad at all!
Just a doubt, I think that eschews controversy ... is it true?;)

Here are the features of the eighth Chinese zodiac sign: the goat.
those born under the sign of the Goat (or lamb or sheep), the eighth animal that came from Buddha, will have a loving temperament, sensitive, shy, kind and generous. Achieve all the goals they pursue leveraging their innate diplomacy. They do not like at all threads, shrink from controversy. (But we sure?!? Note Marco) have creativity and imagination and that is always able to be in love with life. Those born in the year of the goat, will be a lover of comfortable living and sedentary and have a predisposition to the whims and always arrive late. In love life will always try to find true love and build a strong family. Shy, mystical and spiritual, have good taste and elegance. Extremely pessimistic, they tend to suffer all things and enter into crisis facing the stories of the suffering of others. When you fall in love, the native goat tend to hold your loved one of any kind of affection and attention especially per assicurarsi che non verranno mai abbandonati. Sono ottimi partner per il lavoro di equipe, hanno un forte senso di rispetto per i diritti e i doveri altrui, tuttavia per portare a compimento le loro faccende, hanno bisogno di calma e tranquillità, odiano, infatti, la fretta e le distrazioni.
Questo segno gode di energie favorevoli, oltre che nell’anno della Capra, negli anni del Maiale e del Coniglio, mentre incontra difficoltà negli anni del Bue, del Drago e del Cane.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Trichomoniasis Treatment


Una creatura simile al leggendario mostro di Lochness (ossia una specie di plesiosauro) , dopo anni di appostamenti e attese, è stato filmato nel lago svedese di Storsjoe da un gruppo di appassionati. Lo dice Gunnar Nilsson, president of the merchants Svenstaviks. as Fox Mulder says: "I want to believe!"

Saturday, August 30, 2008

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Kung Fu Panda and Ke was friendship

Hello, a few hours ago I am going to see Kung Fu Panda! Really great! Perhaps a simplistic plot (I'm not to report so as not to spoiler) but supported by sketches and jokes are very funny, and fantastic expressions pandotto. Overall a film da vedere... soprattutto per la manciata di minuti iniziale a cartoon vecchia maniera; disegni veramente belli (che ricordano Samurai Jack) e che valgono da soli tutto il biglietto. Un grosso saluto e buon Panda a tutti.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adult Cerebral Palsy Tempermental


the Law of 6 August 2008, No 133 was enacted on June 25, 2008 Decree Law, No. 112, which has been widely discussed in the previous post of July 8, 2008 (see "Blog Archive").

generally confirmed what was said before, showing, however, an important new
  • fully deductible VAT on hotels and restaurants from 1st September 2008.

The budget provides for the full deductibility of VAT on hotels and restaurants, in exchange for a partial deduction (75%) of the cost from income tax for entrepreneurs and professionals.
And 'in fact been redrafted Article 19-bis, paragraph 1, letter e) of DPR 633/72, allowing full deductibility of administration of food and beverages.
Before the legislation, the VAT on hotel services and administration of food and beverages was deductible only if they were viewed comfortably at conferences or conventions.
September 1 the fee charged will be fully deductible, whether inherent in the activities of a company or self-employment.
absolute condition of the VAT is deductible, as well as the inherent cost, including the performance of the invoice.

So from 1 September 2008, every time it incurs a cost for hotel, restaurant and serving food and drinks will be requesting the operator the bill, will no longer suffice as a receipt or tax receipt.

For the professionals' deductible is introduced through an amendment of Article 54 of Tuir , which in nuova versione, pur mantenendo il limite globale del 2% dei compensi percepiti nel periodo d'imposta quale tetto al riconoscimento dei costi, ne riduce a monte la deducibilità al 75% dell'ammontare.

Per quanto riguarda, invece, il reddito d’impresa, la modifica dell'articolo 109 del Tuir inserisce la limitazione al 75% della deduzione, misura che tuttavia non ha coinvolto tutte le categorie di costo: restano fuori vitto e alloggio di dipendenti e titolari di collaborazioni.

Le modifiche IRPEF/ IRES hanno decorrenza dal 1° gennaio 2009.
Restiamo a disposizione for any clarifications.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Strabismus Eyespecialist In Chicago


With the supplementary pension system, through membership in a pension fund or retirement to sign a bill, you have the opportunity to ensure the integration of the attainment of normal retirement 'retirement age. The aim is to ensure the maintenance of adequate standard of living after retirement, receiving a pension additional to that granted by the Institutes of compulsory insurance (INPS).
must be taken seriously by young people, who are the most adversely affected by pension reforms in recent years.


First is important to note that pension funds are authorized and supervised by a public authority, namely the Pension Funds Supervision Commission ( COVIP ).
Depending on how incorporating it, the complementary pension schemes are divided into collective and individual . In the early accession is bargained collectively and concerns a group of workers identified as being of one particular company, group of companies, industry or manufacturing sector. The individual forms, however, membership is on an individual basis, regardless of the type of activity performed and the exercise or not to work.
The law provides for two types of pension funds:
1. closed pension funds (or negotiating)
arise from contracts or collective agreements also identify the area of \u200b\u200bcorporate recipients, ie the workers to which the fund is targeted on the basis of a particular industry, company or group of companies or to a particular territory. They are therefore intended to: employees, both public and private, self-employed and professionals.
2. open pension funds
are those established directly by:
società di intermediazione mobiliare ( SIM );
compagnie di assicurazione;
società di gestione del risparmio.
Sono destinati a: lavoratori dipendenti, sia pubblici che privati; lavoratori autonomi e professionisti; persone che non hanno reddito da lavoro.


Possono aderire alle forme pensionistiche complementari:
i lavoratori dipendenti, sia del settore privato che del settore pubblico;
i lavoratori assunti in base alle tipologie contrattuali previste dalla "Legge Biagi ", vale a dire, contratto di lavoro in somministrazione, intermittente, sharing, part-time training, placement, project, occasional
self-employed workers (including owners of business income) and the liberal professions;
members of workers' co-operatives work
people who work unpaid care from family responsibilities and those who carry out, without an employment, unpaid work in relation to family responsibilities and who do not provide self-employment or employed by a third party and not the pensioners live.
also be open to complementary pension schemes of individual nature persons other than those listed above, as, For example, those who have no income from employment or those who are fiscally dependent on the other.
order for the tax-dependent person can actually join a pension fund nature negotiation is necessary that this right is expressly provided for in the statutes of the pension fund.


Contributions to supplementary pension schemes are deductible from the income declared for income tax for an amount not exceeding € 5,164.57.
The deduction is allowed regardless of the payer or the kind of income he produced and whether they These contributions are voluntary contributions due under contracts or collective agreements, even corporate.
The facilitation results in a saving in terms of lower taxes paid equal to the tax rate applied to the higher income of the worker.
EXAMPLE: If a worker to pay supplementary pension contributions amounted to € 1000.00 and is taxed at the rate of 23%, the cost actually incurred by the worker is equal to € 770.00, and 230.00 € return in the form of tax savings.
For the purposes of calculating the limit of € 5,164.57 must be taken into account all the payments that flow to pension schemes, collective and individual. Should consider, therefore:
banked allowances from the employer for severance pay funds for and employee pension funds established under Article 2117 of the Civil Code;
contributions to tax-dependent family members.
The part of the charges (including dependents) in pension funds for which the taxpayer could not qualify for the deduction, are not taxed at the time of award of the benefit.
The taxpayer is not obliged to communicate to the supplemental pension amount is deducted (or will not be deducted) in the tax return.
This must be done within 31 December of the year following that in which the payment was made or, if the right to benefits accrued before that date, on the day of maturity.

  • The facilities for their first job

Increased deduction provision was made for workers with first employment after 1 January 2007, that is, for those employees at that date were not Holders of a tax position is open at any institution of mandatory retirement. The advantage is that the maximum annual total of deductible (from 6 th year following the year of enrollment, and for a maximum of 20 years) for these workers rises to € 7,746.86.

  • contributions to dependent family members

The tax break it even when you make contributions in the interests of dependent family members.
In this case, however, the deduction in favor of the taxpayer in respect of which that person is charged for the amount it is not raised by the people themselves, without altering the total amount of 5,164.57 €.
Please note that a family is considered tax paid when it has a total income not exceeding € 2,840.51, al lordo degli oneri deducibili sostenuti.


Per far fronte alla perdita di disponibilità del TFR , in favore del datore di lavoro sono previste delle misure compensative che si traducono nella deducibilità , dal reddito d’impresa, di un importo pari al 4 per cento dell’ammontare di TFR annualmente destinato a forme pensionistiche complementari. Per le imprese con meno di 50 addetti la percentuale è elevata al 6 per cento.


I rendimenti, vale a dire gli incrementi positivi conseguiti a seguito della gestione finanziaria delle risorse, sono soggetti ad imposta sostitutiva delle imposte sui redditi.
L'aliquota dell'imposta sostitutiva è del 11% nel caso di:
fondi pensione in regime di contribuzione definita, ossia quelli gestiti in base alla capitalizzazione;
fondi pensione in regime di prestazioni definite, ossia quei fondi che non gestiscono direttamente i contributi versati dai lavoratori, ma stipulano delle convenzioni con imprese di assicurazione che garantiscono l'erogazione delle prestazioni pensionistiche;
"vecchi" fondi pensione istituiti anteriormente al novembre 1992.
L'imposta sostitutiva è del 0,5% (in some cases rises to 1.5%) in the case of pension funds that hold real estate.


Benefits paid from the pension fund may be paid:
in the form of capital, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the accumulated final column, in the form of
annuity (periodic).
For the purposes of taxation, the benefits paid by pension schemes (whether in the form of capital and income) are treated as income assimilated to those of employment and subject to the same taxation.

  • WHEN CAN 'ASK A preview

may be required anticipation of the matured:
1) at any time, for an amount not greater than 75% of the position gained at the time of the request, in the case of health care costs as a result of very serious situations relating to the member, spouse and children to special interventions and treatments approved by the competent public facilities. In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax personal income tax of 15%;
2) eight years from the inclusion, in an amount not more than 75% of the position gained, to
- l ' buying a first home, or for writing for children Documented by a notary;
- for implementation of restructuring on the first house, specifically documented.
In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax personal income tax of 23%;
3) eight years from the inclusion, in an amount not to exceed 30% of the position gained, for additional needs of members. In this case, the anticipation is taxed by withholding tax income tax of 23%.

We remain at your disposal for any clarification.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Dog Threw Up Green

Maneuver Summer (2008)

The economic measure of summer has arrived with the Decree Law No 25 June 2008 112, currently in the conversion course, providing many changes to existing legislation.

Full text of the decree:

Here, in brief, some very interesting points:
  • Robin Tax (Article 81, paragraphs 16 to 18)
The so-called Robin Tax IRES provides an additional 5.5 percentage points, from the period tax on the date of entry into force of the decree law of action, the amount the total net income of individuals who have achieved during the previous tax revenues of more than 10 million euro and operating in the fields: research and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining, production or marketing of gasoline, oil, gas oil for various uses, lubricating oils and residues, liquid petroleum gas and natural gas production and distribution of electricity.
  • Tax (Article 63)
E 'earmarked for the financial year 2009 amounting to € 500,000.00, in a special fund to implement the extension of benefits tax currently in force, to be adopted by subsequent legislative action.
  • identity card (article 31)
E 'planned extension of the period of validity of the identity card from 5 to 10 years. The extension applies to all valid documents upon entry into force of this decree. It will be borne by the municipalities must inform the citizen ID card expires.
  • prevalently mutual cooperatives (Article 82, paragraphs 25 and 26)
E 'provided that the prevailing mutual cooperatives which have submitted in the budget debts membership exceeding 50 million euro and increased the amount of the net book value including profit, spend 5% of annual net income to finance the solidarity fund for the poor.
  • Cooperatives and withhold tax on interest to members (Article 82, paragraph 27)
E 'expected to increase the withholding tax on interest paid by the cooperative societies and associations of individuals moving from members 12.5 to 20 percent.
  • consumer cooperatives and associations (Article 82, paragraphs 28 and 29)
is elevated 30 to 55% share of profits netti annuali destinati a riserve indivisibili che concorrono alla formazione del reddito imponibile delle cooperative di consumo e loro consorzi.
  • Contenzioso tributario (articolo 55)
Per i processi tributari pendenti per i quali non è stata ancora fissata l’udienza di trattazione alla data di entrata in vigore del presente decreto, gli uffici devono depositare presso la competente segreteria apposita dichiarazione di persistenza del loro interesse alla definizione del giudizio, pena l'estinzione di diritto del medesimo processo. In tal caso le spese giudiziarie restano a carico della parte che le ha sopportate. Obiettivo della norma l'accelerazione dei processi tributari.
  • Contrasto all’evasione fiscale derivante dalle estero-residenze fittizie delle persone fisiche (articolo 83, commi 16 e 17)
Per contrastare lo spostamento fittizio all’estero della residenza delle persone fisiche ai fini di evasione fiscale viene introdotta una specifica vigilanza da parte dell’Agenzia delle entrate, con il supporto dei Comuni.
  • Controlli finalizzati all’accertamento sintetico (articolo 83, commi da 8 a 15)
E' previsto un piano straordinario per il triennio 2009-2011 nell'attività di accertamento finalizzato alla determinazione sintetica del reddito delle persone fisiche, sulla base di elementi desunti dall’anagrafe tax or acquired under the ordinary powers of investigation. To the control plan helps the financial police with the cooperation of municipalities, which will report relevant situations.

  • tax record real estate lease contracts (Article 82, paragraphs 14 and 15)
For property leases the proportional registration tax is 1% if they relate to instrumental properties, 2% if residential property.
  • rescheduling of amounts entered in part (Article 83, paragraph 23)
E 'no longer the requirement to furnish a guarantee guarantors in case of request for rescheduling delle somme iscritte a ruolo maggiori di 50.000,00 €.
  • Stock option (articolo 82, commi 23 e 24)
Sono state abolite le agevolazioni in materia di stock option . Quindi le plusvalenze da stock option rientrano tra i redditi che concorrono alla formazione del reddito da lavoro dipendente. La disposizione si applica alle azioni assegnate ai dipendenti a decorrere dalla entrata in vigore del presente decreto.
  • Strumenti di pagamento (articolo 32)
E' previsto l'innalzamento da 5.000,00 € a 12.500,00 € del limite per i trasferimenti di contante, di libretti di deposito bancari o postali o di titoli al portatore. Gli assegni bancari e circolari dovranno indicare la clausola di non trasferibilità se superiori a 12.500 €. Il saldo dei libretti bancari o postali al portatori non potranno essere superiore a 12.500 €.
  • Abolizione della tracciabilità per i compensi dei professionisti (articolo 32)
Eliminata la norma che prevedeva che i compensi in denaro dei professionisti fossero riscossi, oltre un tetto, esclusivamente tramite assegni non trasferibili o bonifici o altre modalità di pagamento bancario o postale purché tracciabile .
  • Studi industry and abolition of the customer lists suppliers (Article 33)
Since 2009, the sector studies will be published in the Official Gazette before September 30 of the tax period in which they enter into force. The obligation of sending lists of online customers and suppliers VAT has been abolished. For taxpayers who have omitted the presentation of such lists will not be any penalty imposed. The only question that remains open concerns the fate of the data received by the tax authorities for the purposes of estimation.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Old Oakley Eye Jacketlegs

FUND FOR ROTATION 'Women Entrepreneurs -

Regional Law No 1 of 1/20/2000 provides important advantages for the development dell'imprenditoria femminile nella regione Veneto.
Agevolazioni similari sono previste anche per:
  1. lo sviluppo dell'imprenditoria giovanile (L. Regionale n. 57/1999);
  2. le piccole-medie imprese artigiane (L. Regionale n. 2/2002);
  3. le piccole-medie imprese commerciali (L. Regionale n. 1/1999).
Per maggiori dettagli: Veneto Sviluppo S.p.a.
Di seguito verranno esposti i tratti salienti dell'agevolazione per la piccola-media impresa (PMI) a prevalente partecipazione femminile.
  • RECIPIENTS the facilitating

of subsidy recipients are SMEs created after 01.01.2004, regularly entered the Chamber of Commerce, active in their field and operating in the Veneto region with a majority participation of women, ie :

- in the case of sole proprietorship, the owner must be a woman resident in the Veneto region of at least two years;

- in the case of companies, shareholders and directors must be at least two thirds women living in the Veneto region of at least two years and at least 51% of share capital must be subscribed to by women.

These requirements must be met when costitutizione and kept per almeno 5 anni dalla concessione dell'agevolazione.


L'agevolazione consiste:

- nell'erogazione in CONTO CAPITALE di un contributo pari al 15% del costo del progetto ammesso e realizzato;

- nel FINANZIAMENTO BANCARIO a TASSO AGEVOLATO per 85% del progetto ammesso e realizzato, composto da una quota di fondi regionali a TASSO ZERO e da una quota di provvista bancaria a TASSO CONVENZIONATO.

L'importo ammissibile a finanziamento agevolato va da un minimo di € 20.000,00 ad un massimo di € 100.000,00.


in facilitating investment and may include expenses incurred in the year preceding the date of filing the application for relief, not just those that are expected to support.

Specifically, the investments permitted are:

  1. New construction, renovation, extension and / or action on adaptation to PROPERTY assign the task. This expenditure can not exceed 80% of total investments;
  2. Purchase of machinery and equipment;
  3. Purchase of trucks;
  4. Purchase of furniture;
  5. CONSULTATIONS related facilitation (accountant, lawyer, etc ...). This expenditure can not exceed 10% of total investments;
  6. Compensation guarantee institutions.

It 'important to clarify that eligible investment facilitation can not be sold and / or disposed of before five years from the date of admission to the facilitation.

are excluded authorities must:

  1. Stocks of raw materials / goods;
  2. Purchase of capital goods;
  3. purchase of vehicles;
  4. taxes;
  5. Expenditure for bank guarantees e/o assicurative;
  6. Acquisto di materiale di consumo;
  7. Manodopera interna.

Le fasi della procedura sono:

  1. PRESENTAZIONE DELLA DOMANDA tramite Banche/Società di Leasing o Cooperative di Garanzia o Consorzi Fidi;
  2. ISTRUTTORIA, madiante la quale Veneto Sviluppo controlla la documentazione e la sussistenza dei requisiti;
  3. In caso di esito positivo avviene l'EROGAZIONE del finanziamento.

L'agevolazione viene revocata se:

  1. entro cinque anni avviene la perdita dei requisiti sopra elencati;
  2. nella domanda sono stati indicati dati falsi;
  3. prima del compimento dell'agevolazione si ha la cessione dei beni ammessi e/o la cessione dell'azienda (o ramo d'azienda);
  4. entro due anni dall'erogazione del contributo non vengono attuati totalmente o parzialmente gli investimenti ammessi;
  5. dai controlli la Veneto Sviluppo riscontra la non corrispondenza con i dati indicati.

La revoca dell'agevolazione comporta the sums plus interest and the application of an administrative penalty, with the possibility of rescheduling if there is guarantee for.

Monday, March 3, 2008

How Long Is The Wait For Drivers Licence?


In order to properly prepare tax returns and 2007 SINGLE MOD. 730, the 2007 study considered necessary to expose you a list of data and documents useful for the preparation.
  • data and documentation must be received by 30.04.2008, sending:
    insured mail or registered mail to: Dr Patrizia Rossi

    Street Arts and Crafts, 68
    35040 - Urbana (PD)
    - by fax: 0429-878038;
    - in formato elettronico all'indirizzo e-mail:


Comunicare variazioni di residenza avvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare modifica stato civileavvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare nascita di figli nonché i dati anagrafici relativi avvenute nel corso del 2007 e del 2008;
Comunicare dati anagrafici coniuge anche se non fiscalmente a carico.


E' necessario comunicare se il coniuge e familiari sono a carico, e per i figli in quale percentuale;
Attenzione ! La deduzione non spetta se nel corso dell’anno 2007, il coniuge o i familiari , hanno percepito un reddito superiore a € 2.840,51 al lordo degli oneri deducibili ciascuno.


VISURA CATASTALE AGGIORNATA dei fabbricati e dei terreni posseduti;
Comunicare eventuali compravendite avendo cura di fornirci copia dell’atto notarile;
Comunicare variazioni nell’utilizzo dell’immobile (es. immobile prima utilizzato come residenza secondaria then leased, rented property first and then empty for the year, etc.).
Bring a copy of the contract rent for the property leased.


Communicate the intention to make the choice of eight per thousand in IRPEF:
- religious or charitable purposes as a direct management of the Catholic Church;
- interventions to social, welfare, humanitarian and cultural in Italy and abroad by the Italian Union of Christian Churches Adventist Day 7;
- social and humanitarian interventions also in favor of Third World countries by the Assemblies of God in Italy;
- for the purpose of social, charitable, humanitarian or cultural direct management of the Waldensian Church, the Union of Waldensian and Methodist Churches;
- interventions social, charitable, humanitarian and Culture in Italy and abroad, directly from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy and across communities associated therewith;
- the protection of religious interests of Jews in Italy to direct management of the Union of Jewish Communities.
If nothing will be informed in this regard will not be made any choice.
Warning: please note that if no choice is not made, however, per convenzione con lo Stato del Vaticano, una parte sarà comunque destinata alla chiesa.
Nel caso in cui non si desideri questo è opportuno scegliere che la destinazione vada allo Stato.

Comunicare l’intenzione di effettuare la scelta del cinque per mille dell'IRPEF a:
a) sostegno dei sottoelencati Enti, con possibilità di indicare il Codice Fiscale dell’associazione:
• organizzazioni non lucrative di utilità sociale di cui all’articolo 10 del decreto legislativo 4 dicembre 1997, n. 460 e successive
• associazioni di promozione sociale iscritte nei registri nazionali, regionali e provinciali, previsti dall’articolo 7, commi 1, 2,
3 e 4, della legge 7 dicembre 2000, n. 383;
• associazioni riconosciute che senza scopo di lucro operano in via esclusiva o prevalente nei settori di cui all’articolo 10, comma
1, lett.a), del decreto legislativo 4 dicembre 1997, n. 460;
• associazioni sportive dilettantistiche in possesso del riconoscimento ai fini sportivi rilasciato dal CONI a norma di legge.
b) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca scientifica e dell’università.
c) finanziamento agli enti della ricerca sanitaria.


Copie dei versamenti effettuati a titolo d’acconto delle imposte per il 2007 (Mod. F24);
Certificati relativi alle ritenute d’acconto subite anche per prestazioni occasionali.


Le imprese interessate dovranno comunicare e/o presentare i prospetti relativi alle rimanenze di magazzino al 31/12/2007.


Modelli CUD di lavoro dipendente , assimilato e di pensione;
Redditi di partecipazione in società di persone non gestite dallo scrivente Studio;
Dividendi e utili percepiti per azioni o quote sociali di S.r.l.; Reporting
supplies SRL shares or equity interests;
Refunds ILOR, Social Security and medical costs reimbursed by the mutual aid societies (CAMPA, EMEC);
Performance occasional self-employment;
allowances received by the spouse as a result of legal separation, copy saddle sentence;
rental fees amount received in 2007.

  • deductible or deductible

medical expenses paid in 2007 (Tax receipts, invoices and "talking tickets");
expenses incurred in 2007 for the physically handicapped (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts) ;
veterinary expenses for pets lawfully detained (Tax receipts, invoices and receipts);
Interest expense on loans burdened by mortgage on property used as main house and not (Certification of interests, copy of the purchase of the property and copy of the stipulation of mortgage);
Insurance premiums on life or accident insurance for contracts signed or renewed by 31.12.2000, the risk premiums of insurance against death or permanent disability of more than 5% for contracts entered into or renewed from 1 .1.2001 (receipt of payment);
funeral expenses incurred in 2007 for family members (Bills);
costs of secondary education, university and specialist supported in 2007 (mail bulletins and / or transfers);
compulsory social security contributions paid in 2007, including the portion retained on the NHS RC cars;
Sums paid to supplementary pension schemes and individual;
contributions paid by the employer paid into the 2007 for "maid" (Bulletins postal INAIL);
syndicated mandatory contributions paid in 2007 (Ex. Bulletins postal reclamation);
dispensing money to (Receipts, bolletitni postal or bank transfers):
- religious institutions
- political parties;
-cultural and artistic activities (eg. La Biennale di Venezia);
- schools;
- Amateur sports associations;
Cost of renovating old buildings or cash paid in 2007;
Membership fees, paid through banks or through the postal service, not only for themselves and for family members, the mutual aid societies;
allowances paid the spouse as a result of legal separation, a copy of the sentence and payment of claims;
fees paid for each child to attend kindergarten;
Copy lease for the main house, signed in accordance with the conventional regime established by L. 431/98 ("contractual arrangements") for the nominee;
expenses incurred in 2007 for the purchase of a new personal computers by teachers public schools (receipt or invoice);
reps personal expenses incurred in 2007;
charges for replacement of refrigerators, freezers and their combinations (sales slip, talking on their identification data, date
purchase and not less than the energy class A + appliance, and establish a self
indicating the type of the unit replaced (fridge, freezer, etc. ..), the methods used for the disposal of the subject and an indication that
has done the removal and disposal of the appliance);
expenses incurred in 2007 for sports practiced by children aged between 5 and 18 years (Bulletin of the postal receipt, invoice or bank transfer);
expenses incurred in 2007 for rents paid by students off-site (at least 100 km away from the municipality of residence) ( Copy lease and transfer of fees received or paid);
expenses and purchase digital television sets with integrated digital tuner. is published on the website the updated list of such equipment. To take advantage of the deduction the taxpayer must be in order for the year 2007 with the payment of the fee RAI. (Invoice, receipt and copy of the payment of the fee RAI 2007);
expenditure incurred during 2007 per interventi finalizzati al risparmio energetico degli edifici esistenti, di qualsiasi categoria catastale anche rurale. Le tipologie di interventi previste sono:
– riqualificazione energetica di edifici esistenti;
– interventi sull’involucro di edifici esistenti;
– installazione di pannelli solari;
– sostituzione di impianti di climatizzazione invernale;
Altro non precedentemente specificato che sarà eventualmente verificato;

Se è la prima volta che lo scrivente studio vi elaborala la dichiarazione dei redditi, inviate copia della dichiarazione dell'anno precedente (Mod. 730/2007 o mod. Unico 2007).

Restiamo a disposizione information requests.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Slide Projector Clip Art

2008 Budget - 2008 Budget Scheme for Least

The system of minimum and marginal is natural that the new regime from 1 January 2008 shall apply to natural persons residing in the State carrying on a business activity or self-employment, that:

- in 2007 had revenues or fees when reduced to year, not exceeding € 30,000.00;

- in 2007 did not have any export supplies;

- in 2007 did not support expenses for employees or associates, even after the project;

- in the three years 2005 -2007 have

made purchases of capital equipment, including leasing contracts for more than € 15,000.00, - do not take advantage of special tax regimes (eg the system of capital goods; regime for the sale of tobacco and salt; regime for 'publishing, for the management of public telephony, for entertainment and games);

- which is not exclusively or primarily supplying buildings, building sites and new means of transport;

- not participating in partnerships or associations professional or SRL who have opted for the tax transparency.

Please note that the purpose of determining the limit of income or compensation not exceeding 30,000.00 not detect those resulting from adaptation to field studies. Also, in case they are carried out multiple tasks simultaneously, the limit should be reported to the sum of revenues or fees for individual activities.


Taxpayers minimum belonging to that scheme does not apply VAT, are not entitled to deduct the tax for purchases made and are not subject to IRAP and studies industry.
Essentially by applying a substitute tax of 20% tax duties are performed on:
- PIT;
- ADDITIONAL municipal and regional personal income tax;
- VAT.
The substitute tax is determined by income tax or self-employment. The income is the difference between the proceeds or compensation received during the period of tax and expenses incurred in the performance of the business or profession and art. In essence, even if it's business activities shall apply the principle of cash "typical" of professionals. Contribute to determining the income gains and losses of assets related to the activity and the amounts paid as social security and welfare, which are deducted directly income and not deductible as an expense in the statement.


Taxpayers are exempt from minimum:
- from the registration requirements and bookkeeping. They must keep the documents issued and received, and number and keep the purchase invoices and certification fees;
- by sending lists customers and suppliers;
- from field studies;
- from requirement to register for VAT.


Taxpayers who take advantage of this new regime will not send any communication Enter the Agency, but simply have to start from 2008 to invoice its customers without charging VAT on the invoice and stating the word "operation carried out under Article 1, paragraph 100, the 2008 Budget."

  • ADJUSTMENT DEDUCTION VAT on the purchase Depreciable assets

The new scheme involves the adjustment of VAT deduction made in the past for the purchase of depreciable assets. In essence, the tax deduction for the purchase of such goods must be paid in a lump sum or in five equal annual installments without application of interest. The first or only installment be paid by 16.03.2008. The adjustments to the deduction shall be made in the first annual VAT return filed after the entry into the scheme, in that for the previous year to the transit system in a comment. For example, a taxpayer who passes into the scheme on 1 January 2008 must show the adjustments in the annual statement of deduction of VAT on 2007 will be presented in 2008.

  • NON

Any non-application of the system of minimum taxpayers may be:
- per option, ie by implication of the taxpayer concerned to apply taxes in the ordinary way and that option is binding for three years (except for 2008);
- in case of a notice of assessment at the end of the process, becomes final;
- for exceeding the limits. In the event that revenues or payments exceed € 45,000.00, in addition to putting in place the usual book-keeping and non-accounting billed to the entrepreneurs and professionals, is due to the value added tax on transactions that for the fraction of a year prior to exceeding the limit will be determined by the spin-off fees, without prejudice to the right to deduct input tax on purchases.


The introduction of this new regime abolishes:

- the system of minimum taxable allowance (Article 32 bis of Presidential Decree No 633/72 )

- the taxation of fringe activities (art. 14 Law No. 388/2000);

- the scheme called "super-simplified" (Article 3, paragraphs 165 to 170 of Law 662/96).