Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unblock South Park Studios


nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants no ... there are those who are in favor, everyone who it is for nothing ... I'm not quite as safe or No? After what happened at Chernobyl and in these days in Japan (because of the employee will man nn), nn know what might be your thoughts ... I think there are other forms of energy, safer nuclear power ...
Personally, I support alternative energy, so much so that we have installed photo voltaic and we are fine. In addition to this there are many other alternative sources, solar panels, wind power to name a few ... but often in our country are frowned upon as nn disfigure the landscape ...
Traveling sometimes to the countries of the north, we got to see how wind energy is here instead used ... through the roads of Ireland and Scotland, nor do we encountered a lot ... detuparno the landscape? Maybe at first sight is a little impact, but then you do the eye and may perhaps give nn nn so much trouble ... and even make noise, since only a slight rustling in the wind ... and this certainly pollute nn is very important!
What is your thought on this?

wind turbines in the Scottish countryside in 2010

How To Start A High School Engineering Club

wind turbines in the Scottish countryside, in June 2010

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Can An Xbox Ruin The Sound On A Tv


C'è un ape che si posa
su un bottone di rosa:
lo succhia e se ne va...
tutto sommato
la felicità
è una piccola cosa...

Vi auguro un sereno w.e....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Melanoma Staging 2010


Sono una buona forchetta, nn lo nego, son pochissime le cose che nn mi piacciono, ma fra le poche, sicuramente c'erano lo strudel e la torta di mele...avete letto bene, ho scritto al passato, perchè la mia amica Fiorella, ottima cuoca e pasticciera, mi ha preparato uno strudel SUBLIME, del quale ogni volta mi concedo il bis, but also the tris (thanks Fiore !!!)...
Last month, however, talking of the kitchen, with another friend, Marinella, convinced me to try this recipe ... made ... eat!
Damn if it's good! And so now the cakes and sweets eat them all, really all!
I leave you the recipe:

Ingredients: 1 lemon yogurt (use a measuring cup of yogurt) - 3 scoops of flour - 2 scoops of sugar - 1 capful of olive oil - 2 eggs - peel grated lemon - packet of yeast - teaspoon of vanilla extract - 3 apples - a handful of pine nuts.

Whisk together all ingredients, place in the pan, add chopped apples, a handful of pine nuts, a sprinkle of sugar on top and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then lower to 150 ° for 20 minutes ... remove from oven, let stand a while and over spray a little vanilla sugar is ready to be tasted ...!

Ps I changed the recipe ... in fact I mixed the apples with the mixture, nn I added later, then I spread out everything and put the pine nuts ... I think the result is better .. .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anime Nightmare Campus Online


This shot won the Oscar of nature photography: the contest on no less than 10,721 ... Photocontest Oasis. was chosen questo fermo immagine scattato da Tommaso Balestrini...

Il salmone sembra quasi dire all'orso: "Vediamo se mi prendi!"...

Ce l'avrà fatta l'orso?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harnr�hre Touture Trailer


Mi piace stare ai fornelli e sperimentare nuove ricettuole...mi piace avere amici a casa, a cena, fra tante chiacchiere, risate, partite a scopa all'asso o scala 40...mi piace l'allegria, la spontaneità, la semplicità dei miei amici, ricordare i tempi delle superiori, delle marachelle...questo sarà il primo che preparerò uno dei prossimi sabati, quando come spesso facciamo, ci dolce e al secondo penserò in settimana, ma ho già a little something in mind ... this first dish is light and delicious ... my kids have devoured!

Ingredients for 4 people: 320 gr
butterfly - 3 zuchine medium - 180 grams of white smoked cheese into thin slices - 1 shallot - 2 tablespoons of Parmesan and pecorino cheese - 1 egg - olive oil - salt and pepper

Prepare the zucchini into cubes, sauteed with olive oil to brown them, then insaporitile with salt and pepper and if you want a few mint leaves (I put nn) ... Meanwhile, boil the butterflies, and when they are warm, season them with beaten eggs, 4 slices of smoked cheese, diced, one third of parmigiano e pecorino grattugiati, 5 cucchiai di zucchine saltate...
In una teglia disponete la pasta, aggiungete le zucchine, una spolverata dei formaggi grattugiati, qualche fettina di scamorza e una macinata di pepe...fate poi un secondo strato, ricoprite con le zucchine e il formaggio rimanente...Cuocete in forno a 180° per 15 minuti circa o fino a quando la superficie sarà dorata...

Erectile Dysfunction Clipart

Waiting for 8marzo ... Signed in Terzigno

Monday, March 7, 2011, in the assembly room of the municipality of Terzigno there will be a discussion on women's contribution to the modernization of the country.


Gaetano Miranda - Deputy Secretary-GD Terzigno

Speakers: David Romano

- Directors GD Terzigno

Michael Grimaldi - Regional Secretary of Young Democrats Campania

Anna Ranieri - Chairman Committee THE BROOM

Mariarosaria Edwards - Lawyer

Vincent Aquino - Parent council PD

Valeria Valente - Head women Campania PD.

Us to the audience as a diverse group of young people united in the discomfort of the light of recent current events is experiencing the palace called the social conscience that our generation and that immediately before us, ruined, worn out, defaced, and probably almost irreparably undermined the foundations. We introduce ourselves as young people living and outraged, not bigots or moralists. We introduce ourselves as a group of young people who want to ask ourselves what is wrong in our society nowadays, as people linked together by steel will to understand where he is wrong and spread our personal opinions about it, but most of all critics certainly a mentality. We believe the real reason for the general degradation of the country. Why the woman? Why is the woman saw his role as a mother who has created the society of tomorrow el 'March 8, and duties as it seemed an ideal opportunity.

We start from the event Sunday, Feb. 13 to give life to this public debate, this arena of confrontation, this constructive exchange of views and opinions on women's issues seen through the eyes of those who live our days sometimes frightened. We want to discuss with you all of the woman, the woman of the millennium, the woman who seems to us sempre più distante dai valori e dalle conquiste fatte durante gli anni, che trova più utile investire risorse nella chirurgia estetica e non nella cultura e nello studio. Vogliamo tentare di darci una spiegazione del perché la donna nella società italiana tenda al rinunciare a se stessa come individuo in virtù di un se stessa oggetto, merce di scambio. Ci domandiamo anche tutto ciò per quale fine venga fatto, a quale vantaggio? Perché intraprendere questa strada? Per arrivare dove? Abbiamo un po’ tutti osservato il percorso di emancipazione intrapreso dalle donne negli anni, le conquiste e le prese di responsabilità in ormai quasi tutti gli ambienti sono sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma tanti ancora oggi non hanno capito o non vogliono capire. Ci rendiamo conto che il tema è certamente vasto e complesso, per non dire smisurato, composto da voci polifoniche, punti di vista a tratti opposti tra loro perché sfiorano le corde più intime della femminilità, questioni che per quanto ci si sforzi anche il più empatico degli uomini non capirà mai, ma abbiamo la presunzione di sentire necessaria questa, la discussione.

Vogliamo evitare di far scadere questo dibattito in una sorta di lezione, non abbiamo nulla da insegnare ed in quanto democratici per indole non diffondiamo regole ma idee, concetti, poiché siamo tutti unanimemente convinti che la moralità ed il rapporto personale che si ha con la società e le istituzioni non possa essere definito in confini netti, descrivibili quasi con leggi matematiche o rigidi regolamenti ma vada visto e valutato in base ai contesti storici, sociali e istituzionali. Vogliamo il confronto, il dibattito, proporre il nostro punto di vista e sperare in una critica costruttiva che ci faccia crescere; crescere come il ruolo delle donne nella nostra Italia dal famoso 68 ad oggi.

Direttivo GD Terzigno

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tiffany Granath's Husband Brad Norton


La felicità, come la bellezza, è nelle cose semplici...
Buon w.e. a tutte...

Fiori a Banf- Scozia 2010

Friday, March 4, 2011

Drapes For Sliding Doors In Myrtle Beach


Brava Barbara, hai indovinato il significato di tutti e tre i proverbi! NN erano difficili, ma per chi il dialetto di un altra regione nn lo conosce nn è poi così semplice!
Alla prossima, magari con qualcosa di più difficile....
A domani, ciao ciao!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Camila Rodriguez Realtor Las Vegas


Girovagando nel web ho trovato questo blog - -
Purtroppo nn c'è il traduttore di Google e quindi nn conoscendo questa lingua, nn capisco davvero nulla di quanto c'è scritto! Nn ho nemmeno idea di quale paese si possa trattare, ma i biscotti, i dolcetti e le decorazioni realizzati, parlano da soli!
Un ottimo spunto per tante occasioni...ce ne sono di beautiful!

How Long Can A Person Survive After Liver Failure

Driver For Sony Dvd Carosel

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Amateur Strip Los Angeles


Today is March 1 each month and how, ahem, timely, for the play of the proverb in Treviso dialect than last month ... nn deny it, it was difficult, but a couple of you are almost able to guess ...
This time I leave there a few, easy easy, I'm sure you will find great difficulty ... No time to even think to ask the Venetian nn translate, maybe you can participate by leaving a comment, but without revealing the content ... maybe next time we let them participate!
Good luck to all!

's proverbs:

The moon marsolina the first co piovesina
Nasser makes the pretzels

marsolina the snow lasts from evening to morning

de mars sapa if the Froment pan Christian

Come on, this time they are really easy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

White Greek Styled Prom Dress


Unopiù, is a company that makes garden furniture, plus lamps, chairs, loungers, etc. etc .... browsing their large new catalog, I saw that they introduced in their production, even for indoor furniture ... and to my surprise, in addition to the traditional, even in the beloved white!

Personally I like, what do you think?

Photos taken from the web

Waldorf Doll Pattern Free

Friday, February 25, 2011

Touching Someone's Blood


Love as a stream,
must be in constant motion,
and it is for what you do with me.
But what happens to the majority of couples?
believe that the waters of the river
slide forever, and we do not
longer a concern.
Then comes winter, and the waters freeze. Only
then realize that nothing
in this life, it is absolutely guaranteed

taken from the web

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Bowling Post


I do not know why, but a couple of days I hum always this song ... and then imagine the vast expanses of colorful tulips, beautiful bouquets that you can compose with these beautiful flowers, but alas, have very few days of life ...
Did you know that the tulip nn is from Holland, but rather in Turkey, where it grows spontaneously and where he began to be cultivated 1000 years ago? In Istanbul, the beds are covered with tulips!
The word tulip comes from the greek but "turban" or turban, perhaps because its shape resembles a turban ... a Turkish legend traces the origin of the flower with drops of blood shed for love from a young man disappointed in love and the Eastern world, it means perfect love.
the meaning of colors is the most common:
- Red means declaration of love
- yellow is the sun in your smile
- violet modesty

Here's a quote from Fabio on Flight Tulips ...

"It was like those tulips I buy for my house. I've learned to take them closed, so I last longer. They are equally beautiful, but I like it because I know they are like when they open. I buy the beauty that still do not see, but that is perceived. You know. "

All photos are taken from the web

Two Years Commercial Lease